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"I don't even know where to fucking go," Gavin groaned, running his free hand down his scruffy face. The hand gripping the steering wheel had white knuckles, though his anxiety had nothing to do with the winter conditions.

"While I know that Elijah had good intentions when he contacted Miss Vi, I do not believe hiding her in your home is wise." Connor sat stiff in the passenger seat, indicator a constant yellow light reflected in the window. "We do not know the exact extent of this replica's knowledge, but he remained unnoticed for a good deal of time."

"Okay, great, well I don't fucking know where to hide her." The human male ran a hand through his hair, shaking bad. "If I try to call Eli, you think he'd get the call or would that goddamn android intercept it?"

"Elijah called me from his number, but the replica may very well be connected," you answered quietly from the backseat.

"Is there anyone you can trust that would not immediately come to mind?" The RK800 glanced over at the human, focused on the road and scowling.

^ ^ ^ [SoFTwaRe inStABiLItY] ^ ^ ^

"No, cause it doesn't immediately come to m--" Gavin cut himself off, slowing down the car and making a seemingly random turn. "Okay, fuck what I just said. I think I've got an idea," he added, not seeing the detective prototype smiling in a lopsided manner to himself.

[ 01010010 01000001 ]

Running into the city in the middle of winter was certainly not optimal, but the EK1K didn't quite care at the moment. But if he were to still be in public in place of that weak, useless sack of meat, then he would need to at least give the appearance of being human.

Once he'd reached the city proper, the replica obtained a winter coat; the rest of him was dressed fine, but it was still snowing.

[Someone here knows where you are, my Queen...

My options are limited, and they have wildly differing degrees of success.]

The precinct was an option, but a poor one. Even if Elijah Kamski himself were to walk in and report a missing android, the DPD were up to their necks with androids going deviant.

Not to mention having to possibly deal with Gavin or the RK800. So the precinct was out of the question.

Now downtown, the replica's striking eyes narrowed. He had to track you down and get you into safety; even if you were with another android, by some miracle, it was not the right android. None of them would handle you properly.

While he knew that fear was a viable tactic, it wouldn't do to threaten the city into coughing you up. Humans were notoriously liable to panic, and it would backfire on him.

[No... this must be done to intentionally cause them to want to find you. Something to incite frenzy, but not too much. Excitement. Willingness to obey the creation that they owe their livelihoods to.

And what drives these sickening, wretched beings above all else?]

[ 01001110 01001001 01001110 01000101 ]

Pulling up outside, Gavin parked his car but remained where he was for a long moment. He leaned against the door, hand over his mouth and his pale eyes shut, trying to come to terms with what was fucking happening.

The silence was not easy, but neither you nor Connor were willing to be the one to break it. The human's well-being was still one of your main concerns, so you finally spoke quietly: "Gavin?"

"Answer something for me, please. One of you, I don't care who." He shifted in his seat, head tilted back against the rest. "Is my brother gonna be okay? That's all I fuckin' care about. I'll figure out this bullshit later, just... someone tell me he's gonna be okay, please."

His rough voice was thick, soft from his internal struggles to not start crying like a bitch baby.

"Elijah is fine," the RK800 responded carefully. "If he contacted Miss Vi directly, and assured her that he is on his way, then we must have faith that he will arrive before..." Here, the prototype trailed off, LED going red once.

"Before what, Con? Before everything goes to shit? Before that fucking lookalike destroys everything my brother worked his ass off for? Before that fucking rusty heap of scrap metal decides he can do better and hurts him?!" The more Gavin spoke, questioned, demanded... the louder he got.

Connor wasn't fazed, reaching and taking the human's broad shoulder. "Breathe, Gavin. All of those are possibilities, yes, but if Elijah was concerned about Miss Vi, then she is what the replica desires. Not your brother, not directly. And she is safe. She will be safe here. We can protect her from him until Elijah returns."

The shorter male took a long, unsteady breath. "That fucking tin can has been impersonating my brother for God knows how long. If you honestly think my brother won't be a target, then you best get your fucking ass back to CyberLife and tell those assholes your judgement is fucking faulty. He's after Vi, yes, but that doesn't fucking mean he won't mow down anyone in his goddamn path!!" Gavin was beginning to crack, the tears in his eyes on the verge of falling. "If he called and warned her to get out of that house, then he knows she's in danger. He already destroyed the Chloé models; who's next, Connor?!"

The dam had broken, tears starting to stream down the human's scruffy face. The corners of his mouth twitched downward, but he did not sob. Not yet.

Reaching between the seats, you grasped his upper arm, making him flinch violently. "Gavin, the replica was quite adamant on my status as the... Queen Bee. If..." LED a solid red, your violet eyes closed, dreading your own words. "If I demand that Elijah remain unharmed, the EK1000 will heed me."

Sniffling, Gavin scoffed a little. "There's no guarantee for that, Vi."

"Elijah would drop everything for my sake. That has been a fact since the beginning. If he programmed this replica to mimic him down to the smallest detail, then that devotion has carried over and possibly amplified."

He really, really didn't like where this was going. "Don't you fuckin' tell me you're gonna go out and look for that deranged toaster. Vi, I am NOT letting you out there, we only have one of you and Eli will slaughter me if anything happens to you when you're in my care." With that, he got out of the vehicle, leaving you and the RK800 no choice but to follow. "He'll most likely contact one of us when he's close, so until then, we're gonna hope we can stay here for awhile."

Warm, dark eyes scanned the property, but the sound of crunching snow underfoot made the three of you whip around towards the source. Gavin pushed both of the androids in his care behind him, one hand on his weapon but keeping it holstered.

But when the footsteps approached, you gently pulled the human's hand away from his firearm, gazing into the eyes of what had become of the prototype Elijah created after Rebekah's passing. "Markus?"

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