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Those in the lab froze momentarily before going back to their work. The outburst wasn't common, thankfully, but it also wasn't worrisome. They just knew that every so often Kamski would curse as a way to let off some steam, then go back to being his collected self.

This time, however, Eli got to his feet, needing to step away from the chemical he was working with before he simply drank it for shits and giggles.

He walked swiftly down a couple of hallways, climbing the stairs and going through more corridors until he'd gotten to his office.

Office. Fuck. I barely turned nineteen and I have my own office. But I sure as hell don't feel like I earned it.

Sinking into the chair behind his glass desk, Eli closed his eyes after setting his glasses aside. Over two years had passed since his 17th birthday, and he was ashamed to admit that he felt like he was getting nowhere.

Not that CyberLife had been entirely useless. They'd developed some smaller products, mostly for the extra funds, and were slowly but steadily growing as a company. Hell, they'd managed to expand, which was why he had his own office on the second floor.

"Hey, Vi?" Elijah asked quietly. On cue, a screen on the wall lit up. The blue grid-like face was no longer there. While it may have been a bit of a waste at the time, the male had paid someone that specialized in 3D rendering and motion capture to create a better visual of you for him to see. In the end, it was how he wanted his androids to appear: as humanlike as possible. But he'd insisted that you choose how you appeared, with one exception. "Morning, Vi, you weren't in the middle of something, were you?"

[Elijah, I can be on every screen and do different tasks at the same time.] You smiled slightly, violet eyes shining in their own way.

"Pfft," he scoffed, returning the grin. "Tell me something I don't know."

[No matter how often you shave, your beard will not grow back thicker the next time.]

Hand over his chest, he leaned back in his seat. "God, right to the damn heart. Way to kill me."

[Bryan's visual prototype is nearing completion, your mother left a message on your voicemail, and you need to call your brother.]

"Shit, what do I start with?"

[The voicemail is brief, I can relay it to you if you like.] Eli waved a hand for you to go on. [She wanted to let you know that she will not be home tonight, she will be out on another date.]

He chuckled softly. "Man, she really likes that guy." The human paused. "Vi, what can you tell me about him?"

[Carl Manfred is a prolific and highly successful artist, his expressive manner of painting is quite sought after recently. Mr. Manfred has also been widowed for over a decade now.]

"Yeah, he's kinda older than Mom, but... whatever. Thank you, Vi. Any chance you can set up a video call with Gav?"

[Of course, Elijah.] On another screen, the tone of a phone ringing began. [I will give you privacy.]

"--Wait, what?! No, no, you stay right here!" When the call was answered, Elijah grinned wide. "Hey, Gav, I stopped Vi from leaving this time."

"FUCK YEAH! Hey Eli, what's up with you and your nerdy ass?" Gavin chuckled, seated elsewhere and leaning back in his chair, arms crossed. Since the video call could finally include you, as well, it made things a lot easier with Gavin a few cities away. "Vi, my God, that's a new look. Loving the violet. You are fucking gorgeous."

Tangible (Yandere Elijah Kamski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now