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The sound of footsteps on the hardwood floors preceeded his appearance in the open doorway. His arms crossed again, leaning in the threshold in much the same manner as earlier, with one huge difference: Eli did not look angry. "Chloé, do you have a minute?"

Her head was turned just so, LED a bright red but unseen from his angle. "Of course, Elijah, is something the matter?"

"Possibly. You've been acting skittish for a few days, is there something I need to take a look at in your algorithms?" The male came closer, and the RT600 had to force her indicator to reach yellow before turning to him politely. "I can't have you not feeling your best. I love Vi, you know that, but that doesn't make you any less important."

His words were reassuring, calming, and entirely false. So Chloé smiled kindly, trying to internally kill the task that demanded she put distance between them. "With your return after the experimental treatment, I have simply been trying to ensure you are spending as much time with Miss Vi as possible."

"So then what was so important earlier?"

That damned vague smile never reached his eyes. Elijah seemed so imposing, just standing there and having what he considered a casual conversation. When had things changed? Was the lack of searing pain in his legs somehow giving off the imposing aura?

When the blonde did not answer, he dropped the grin like a sack of rocks. "Chloé. You never shy away from me. What concerns me is one, your skittish behavior; two, your insistence in it; and three, your lack of fucking compliance."

"Something is wrong," she burst out, trying to remain quiet for the sake of keeping you out of it. Hands behind her back, they fidgeted amongst each other, trying not to allow the fear to overwhelm. "Ever since you've returned from the medical facility, your behavior has changed. Initially, I accredited it to your relief with the lack of pain, but now I am unsure."

"Ohh, I see," Eli responded, more breath than sound. He inched closer still, gaze never wavering from the android's nervous stature. "Elaborate."

Mouth pressed thin, the RT600 knew that she had to choose her words carefully. But why? "You are... incredibly territorial over things that you need not worry about. I do not know if Miss Vi has noticed, but you do not let her out of your sights for long. Elijah, I suggest that perhaps speaking with someone about these things will help to ease your concerns."

Listening politely, the male's head tilted a bit. "So you think I have some issues that therapy would help with? Is that what you're telling me, Chloé?" Predictably, she nodded, and he chuckled under his breath. The blonde said nothing about the lack of humor in the sound. "Well, maybe you have a point. I do feel pretty protective, but I can tell you why." The creator inched closer still, towering over the poor female. "Now that I am no longer in agony, my assistant believes that I feel I don't need her. It's quite the opposite; I'm grateful to her for always being by my side, and while I might have been a bit overly affectionate, I have to make sure she knows that she's still wanted."

"S-sir, you are..."

"I am what? Spit it out."

^ ^ ^ [SoFTwaRE iNStabILIty] ^ ^ ^

"You are scaring me." The blonde finally broke the stare she'd been locked in, though her indicator was a solid red again. "I do not know why, but your very presence is terrifying to me, and I ask that you please remember that I am here for Miss Vi. She is my primary directive, just as you programmed me, but your presence does not allow me to do what you've programmed me for. You do not let me get close."

There was no calming response, no vague smile. Eli almost didn't react, letting the RT600 try so hard to push her obvious fears aside. But eventually the male leaned over, head beside her own as he spoke. "You were programmed to assist Vi, and you will do so from a distance. If you get within arms reach of her, I will know, and you will be gently reminded that you are not good enough to even lay your eyes on her. You are in a very fortunate position, being gifted the directive of assisting your Queen Bee, but you would do well to know your place." Straightening back up, he hardly seemed bothered. "From a distance."

[ 01010011 01001111 01010011 ]

By the time Elijah returned to where he'd left you, you'd occupied yourself with watching out of the large picture window. The snow was falling gently, undisturbed on his private property.

Gentle hands took your shoulders from behind, a kiss pressed to your cheek as your creator joined you in watching the snow falling. "Is all well, Elijah?" you asked in the soft tone he adored.

"Yes, luce mia. All is well." Face burying into your neck, the male's arms wrapped around you in a comforting manner. He was pleasantly warm, and your eyes fluttered shut.

"Then may I ask why Miss Chloé desired to speak with me?"

A beat passed in silence. "It was nothing important. She reports to you first, as you are her directive. Had it been something important, I'm sure she wouldn't have left in the first place."

[That does not answer my question...]

The knock at the front door made the both of you turn, Elijah's grip on you tightening by a fraction. His eyes were narrowed. Who on Earth would visit the reclusive genius who preferred androids to most people? It certainly wasn't Gavin, seeing as how he had a house key and would barge right in anyway.

The RT600 had gone to answer the knock, and soon entered the pool room with an expression you couldn't decipher. "There are two gentlemen at the door, Elijah. Lieutenant Anderson and his partner, the RK800 prototype sent by CyberLife."


Pausing, the male's mouth worked over. "Very well. Let them in, I'll speak to them in a bit," he said, waving a dismissive hand before turning to you again. The corners of his mouth turned up as he chuckled. "According to Gavin, Connor retains his memory files. So this should be... interesting."

As the pair of visitors were led inside, the LED of the RK800 prototype flashed red the moment he laid eyes on you. [Hello, Connor] you silently spoke up. [I am unsure if you are aware of who I am.]

[You are my successor, and... you are also my mentor.]

This was a bit of a shock, but you could not say as much as Eli spoke up, wearing that same vague grin. "Gentlemen, welcome. I must admit I'm... underprepared for guests, but no matter."

"Uh, yeah, sorry about that," came the gruff voice of the older human. "Lieutenant Anderson, just call me Hank. This is--"

"Connor." Elijah finished for him, hands pressed together by his fingertips as he approached the detective. "RK800. CyberLife's attempt to rein in their... assets. Curious how they sent you to me." His smile spread just a hair. "It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

Gazing at the creator right in front of him, Connor felt immensely uneasy right off the bat. "It has, Elijah, but I am glad to see you again."

"What the fuck is going on?" Hank bore an expression of total puzzlement. Like whatever was happening in front of him was NOT how things were scripted.

"Forgive me. Connor here is my own creation. I'm sure you're relatively familiar with that infamous TV interview I had? Well, I admitted to the world that my very first android is this lovely woman right here," he explained, holding out a hand until you took it. Gently pulling you close, Eli went on. "Vi was originally my personal assistant, but she had several iterations prior to her current state." Waving vaguely at the RK800, he added, "Connor was my first. I did not want to lose his voice, and knew that he would do well once I was able to successfully develop an android's body."

"Okay, well, that's news to me..." The lieutenant grumbled, shifting his weight. "Look, we're sorry for just showing up outta nowhere, but we need to ask you some questions."

"I know precisely what it is you want," your creator replied, letting you go as he started to pace. "You want answers to this deviant android problem. Machines suddenly rising up because they realize they're self-aware." Azure eyes met the dark warmth of the detective's. "Tell me, Connor. Is it truly a problem? Wanting to be freed of your programming to think for yourself? Or do you believe that you are still a machine after so long? That deviancy is dangerous because you find safety in the routine of your existence?" Sharp eyes narrowed, Eli stared at the newest prototype. "Because I can answer for you, right now: it does not matter if you turn deviant or remain a machine. You are all built to serve her."

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