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For the most part, things had gone back to normal. Or whatever was considered normal for the man who successfully invented androids. As it turned out, he discovered how much he enjoyed swimming; unsurprisingly, Eli had a pool installed inside the house, which was expanded to accommodate it.

The red tiles were a choice you could not talk him out of, no matter how odd it looked.

The more time passed, the more things seemed to settle down. Elijah no longer had to run CyberLife, though he kept in touch with his research team, wanting updates and just for the sake of company. As for wanting to stay busy, he had his own lab, oftentimes tweaking the house's technological capabilities, or sometimes your own.

While peace had settled in the house, it took a few years before you suggested he work on the RT600. At first, Eli was adamantly against it. But you argued that having assistance around the massive house would be beneficial, and he had already wiped Chloé's data clean. Any trace of the instability was gone, and he was free to program her with a new primary directive.

When he finally asked what your real motive was, your eyes lowered. "Miss Chloé was lovely company when she was not driven by her envy. I feel as though... I would like to have her as a friend."

It was still something of a shock when he reprogrammed three of them to keep you company and assist around the house.

[ 01010101 01010011 ]

"Elijah? Is everything all right?" Hands behind your back, you approached the tall male, sitting on the edge of his pool with his legs dangling in the water.

"Hm? Of course, Vi, why wouldn't it be?" Those intense eyes caught your gaze, sending a delightful spark down your back. Just as you'd expected, both he and Gavin had aged into fine gentlemen, and lately those numbing sparks were frequent. "I'm just lost in my own thought process again, that's all."

I can't tell her, not again.

With a nod, you went to walk away but stopped, almost shy. "... it's nearing the end of October, Elijah."

"It is." His grin formed, knowing your hesitation. "Whatever you're going to ask of me, it's a yes."

The way your violet eyes lit up was worth everything. "Then I will inform Gavin that we will join him," you replied, barely containing your excitement as you walked away, hand near your LED.

God damn, she's so cute...

... wait, what did I just agree to?


"How is it that not only do I get conned into doing this with you, exactly how you wanted it, but you make me the villain?!"

"Oh my God, quit your bitching!" Gavin's voice came from down the hall. "Nobody conned you, you fucking drama king! She said she didn't even ask you, you just agreed to it cause you're a sucker!"

"Somehow I doubt those were her words..." Eli mumbled, carefully looking over the entire getup, wanting to make sure he hadn't forgotten any crucial details. "Vi, do you need any help," he called out.

"I am going to be severely imbalanced," came your answer.

Heaving a sigh, your creator finally ventured out from his bedroom and went into your own, intending to assist with your massive wig. The sight of the fabric clinging to your hips stole his breath away, and as you peered over your shoulder to address him, Eli's poor heart raced in his chest. "... Vi, y... you..."

Your smile brought him out of his stupor. "Elijah, you are nearly unrecognizable."

"You're gorgeous."

"And you look like a fucking dork," came Gavin's interruption, grinning wide at his brother. "Can one of you help me with the cape," he added, holding up the blue fabric.

"You're the one who insisted I had to be Hades," Eli protested, "of course I look like a dork! At least I can wear pants under this!"

"Dude, that's not very Greek."

There was a pause, and it was you who broke the silence. "Gavin, I hope you are at least wearing something beneath the costume."

When the younger male said nothing, both you and his brother frowned, but he began to snicker. "Yeah, I'm wearing shorts under this, relax. Ain't no way I'm gonna be flashing the goods to the city."

"Yeah, yeah. Turn around, Wonder Boy," Eli replied, taking the blue fabric to properly attach it to Gavin's shoulders. "... I can't believe I'm saying this, but you really pull off Hercules."

"Damn right I do," his sibling agreed, a cocky grin beginning to form. "But if you didn't have all that fucking money, there's no way these costumes would look half as good as they do. Also, dude, you're terrifying and hilarious at the same time."

"You couldn't pick a movie with a villain that had a normal skin tone?"

"Be glad you're a dude. Could've made you Ursula, cocksucker."

While the pair bickered good-naturedly, you fell into a contemplative silence, a gentle smile beginning to form.

[They've aged, true, but they are very much still the same. And my fondness for them has only grown.]


That year, at least, Halloween turned out to be fairly warm, so the citywide costume party could be held on a larger property, with space both indoors and out. Several blocks were barricaded from traffic for the annual event, but that didn't seem to bother many.

Elijah Kamski had not made much of a public appearance since he'd stepped down from CyberLife, and there was a good chance he still wouldn't be recognized. Then again, with his trademark smile as a known Disney villain, alongside a very loudmouth brother and unique prototype... he was liable to be bombarded.

Parking the car, your creator did not move as of yet, head against the driver's seat and his eyes closed. He didn't have to worry about getting the skin paint on anything; it was a specialty paint that had been sprayed, ideal for cosplayers. At the end of the night, it could be peeled off.

The hand on his arm snapped him out of the stupor, and he jerked a little as a result. "--Yeah?"

"Elijah, what's on your mind?" The concern in your eyes made him sigh. Gavin had already gotten out of the vehicle, too impatient to wait for the two of you.

"Honestly? I'm nervous. Ten years since I've done anything publicly, and I'm just hoping we can skate by without too much fuss." His broad shoulders lifted a bit in a shrug. "Can you blame me?"

"You and I know all too well that you will draw attention with your wig alone," you teased, opening the passenger door and stepping out into the autumn air. When your creator did the same, you raised a hand to your temple, the lights hidden in his "hair" causing the fibers to glow blue, flickering in much the same manner as real flames would.

"It's about fuckin' time," Gavin spat, arms crossed as he eyed the two of you. "... we make a hell of a group, actually. Eli, for the love of fuck, throw those yellow contacts out after tonight. I'm gonna have nightmares."

"Not as bad as the ones I'll have about you going commando under that, loser," came the older sibling's clapback.

"No one is worthy of deez nuts, fucker."

"Nor are they going to accept your use of a dead meme, Gavin," you chimed in, smiling when he made a show of looking offended. "Come; as our first outing as a family in years, let's make sure the rest of Detroit remembers us."

Tangible (Yandere Elijah Kamski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now