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So she wants this to happen on top of the Stratford again...

Arms crossed, the tall male stood in front of his closet in much the same manner you were doing, unbeknownst to him. But it took all of five seconds for Eli to figure out what to change into.

The waistcoat he'd bought years ago still fit just fine, though his shoulders had broadened nicely since then. The black piece fitted over an equally black shirt... okay, the entire outfit was black. And Elijah was rather fond of the abnormally high collar; it gave a more severe appearance. A man to be taken seriously. Respected.

She was right. The undercut really helped me look less like a kid. And as badly as I wanted a full beard, I can't pull that off.

Standing in front of his mirror, the male chuckled to himself before sticking his tongue out, ensuring the piercing was going to match the rest of his attire.

Had this thing for over a year and I don't think she ever noticed.

Elijah walked out of his bedroom at last, adjusting the shirt cuffs as he called out to you. "Vi, you good? You need more time getting ready?"

"No, Elijah, I'm ready," you replied, much closer than he was expecting. His flinching made you smile regardless. "Forgive me, scaring you wasn't--"

In the short amount of time it took the male to recover from the mild fright to seeing you fully, Eli closed the gap. Hands took your hips, cutting your apology off with a kiss that you returned immediately. Yet it was he that broke it, as well, exhale shaky. "You look incredible," your creator breathed, unable to stop staring. "I... j-jeez, Vi, I..."

Cupping his face, the gesture shut him up. "I don't understand why you seem nervous. You do not have to try and impress me, Elijah; I have always been proud of you."

"Vi..." he warned, blue eyes closing. "I don't wanna start crying before we even leave the house."

"Then let us depart."

[ 01010110 01001001 ]

Like the night prior, it was rather warm, so it was easier for the human to walk around outside with you on his arm, not needing any truly heavy layers yet. He had little interest in sustenance but only stopped by a restaurant for the sake of you. If he skipped eating on accident, boy did you get pissed.

Once the two of you were back outside, however, Elijah came across an unusual situation. A cop gently stopped the two of you, looking stern as he eyed you in particular. "Sir, are you aware that androids are to be wearing their designated uniforms at all times?"

The other cop slowly raised a hand to cover her face, visibly embarrassed. Raising an eyebrow, Eli shifted his weight and decided to have some fun. "Really? I had no idea, officer. Am I in trouble?"

Clearly trying to act like a big shot, the male officer chuckled. "Well, not if you have a good explanation as to why it's not wearing what it should be, buddy." A hand was held out. "Lemme see some identification and the digital receipt of the pretty piece of plastic, here."

Nearby, the other officer groaned loudly behind her hands, and it took all of his willpower not to start laughing as your date reached for his wallet. "ID, right, right," he replied, passing the card over. He gave the clueless cop a moment. "As for a receipt, I didn't buy her. I built her, thank you."

The officer's eyes went as wide as they could go, handing Elijah's ID back. "Y-yes, I can see that, Mr. Kamski, quite an impressive android you have. I, uh... wow, I remember the TV interview now. Good to see you looking better, sir." He was visibly sweating.

With that vague grin he was so known for, your creator leaned close. "Call her an it again, please. If you remember that interview, then you know Detective Reed is family. He and I are quite close, and I'm sure he won't mind saying a few choice words to your superiors if I let him know Vi and I were stopped for some ridiculous reason."

Stammering, the male cop tried to explain. "W-well, the, uh... law... a-android law, it's gotta be enforced, s-sir."

"Vi is not an android sent by CyberLife. Not as you know it now. She is accompanying me, and I should hope that that will be enough in the future."

The other officer came forward at last, trying to guide her partner back. "We apologize, Mr. Kamski, just trying to do our jobs. Have a lovely evening," she added.

"I completely understand, have a good evening," your date replied, casually walking away beside you. Once he was out of earshot, however, he groaned. "I completely forgot about those stupid laws. I'll have to get you something to wear when we're in public, I guess. I can't be dropping my own name like the laws don't apply to me, Gavin'll have my head."

"I'm certain he will get a good laugh out of seeing you in jail," you replied, making the human snort and chuckle under his breath.


The elevator ride to the roof was more on the quiet side, though Elijah had exchanged having his arm out for you in favor of wrapping it around your waist. "Elijah?"

Azure eyes found you looking right at him. Through him. Pushing past the chills, the human replied, "Yes, Vi?"

"... thank you. I know why you are wearing the same waistcoat, and your attempts to call back to our last visit here are incredibly sweet."

Above the high, stiff shirt collar, his entire face seemed to have turned red. Tongue glued to the roof of his mouth, all Eli could do was keep you close, desperate to cool his damn face off outside.

Yet even as he strolled beside you towards and out the door to the roof, you seemed to edge closer to his body. His warmth was inviting, and his touch was a comfort as it had always been. So when the two of you approached the side, standing together at a comfortable distance from the edge, you leaned against the human. Your human, your creator, the only one you knew you were capable of falling in love with.

"... you good, Vi?" Eli turned you towards him, only for you to press closer, resting your head on his chest. Now he was damn sure you could feel his stupid heart trying to beat out of his ribs. Still, you wanted the closeness, and the male was more than happy to wrap his arms around his favorite creation. No... his favorite person.

The breeze was chilled, running icy fingers down his back beneath the waistcoat, and all around the two of you, the city was coming to life. Electric and neon lights dotted the dark canvas of Detroit, brightly lit yet, unlike you, not alive.

Though he didn't seem keen on pulling away in the slightest, Elijah gently turned you towards the view. He maneuvered behind you, arms wrapped around you firmly and holding you close. "CyberLife is like a beacon in the night. I don't know why I wanted to be so bright white, but..." He sighed. "My damn ego, I suppose. Make one of the tallest buildings in the city as obvious as possible."

Seconds ticked by before you responded. "... Everything the light touches is your kingdom, then, Elijah?"

He snorted again. "Yes. Except it's your kingdom, Vi, not mine. I stepped down, but your code is what made everything possible." Resting his chin on the top of your head, you couldn't see his eyes close. "All right, time to guess. Seven letters. What are you?"

"Seven letters could be anything, Elijah," came your teasing response. "Am I safe in assuming that my name is not the answer?"

"You are safe, yes."

"Very well." A small pause. "The probability of the word being android is far too low. That is an obvious answer." The male only hummed in response. "... there are too many possibilities, and I believe I am impatient. Please tell me."

Again you were turned, this time to face your date. Large, warm hands cupped the sides of your neck, tipping your head back in time for him to brush his lips against your own. "Perfect," Elijah whispered. "You are... perfect."

Tangible (Yandere Elijah Kamski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now