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By the time the crew from the magazine arrived, Elijah had collected himself reasonably well. He was sitting in the living room, quietly sipping at something carbonated to try and settle any further upset in his stomach. When the knock at the door finally came, he got to his feet while you answered.

"--oh! Uh... well, then, I... suppose I should have expected an android to answer the door," a male spoke up, laughing and seeming strangely nervous.

"Please come in, Elijah is expecting you," you replied, stepping aside with an arm out. You noted the glances in your direction as the crew filed in but said nothing, of course. "Would you enjoy a tour of the house? Perhaps it would give you the opportunity to find the best place to set up your equipment."

"Now, now, Vi, let these gentlemen unload first," Eli chimed in, adjusting the cuffs of his jacket as he approached, that vague smile he was so known for already on his face. "I'm sorry, Vi is a bit too good at what she does," he added. His sudden change in demeanor was almost required; no one took him seriously without it, being so young still.

"She's, uh... not the android I was expecting," the same gentleman spoke up, shaking Eli's hand anyway. "Well, Mr. Kamski, it's an honor to meet you in person. Call me Neil. And as for the question she had, can we save the tour for after? This is going live and I'll get my ass chewed if we aren't on time."

Chuckling, your creator nodded. "Of course. I believe right by the picture window here will do nicely," he added, gesturing to the opposite end of the living room. As the crew were setting up, Elijah glanced at you, off to the side, politely waiting further instructions.

... fuck, she's perfect.

Five minutes later Eli was sitting across from Neil, a placid expression on his face while the interviewer began his intro. Damn near every television was tuned in to this; Kamski had spoken in public multiple times, sure, but this was in his home. And there was some curiosity about his private life; not much was known about the handsome young genius. Though... he certainly seemed a little thinner than expected.

Neil's initial questions were expected ones: what CyberLife was planning, mostly. Androids were all over the globe and quickly rising in numbers. The fact that Eli had managed this in less than a decade had tipped the scales in his favor for the award. "Now, Mr. Kamski--"

"Elijah. Or just Eli, that's fine, too," your creator cut in. "I'm sorry for interrupting, but... calling me Mr. Kamski makes me feel pretty old," he added, grinning just a little wider.

"That's fair, okay. You're 26 years old, and according to several past inquiries, your IQ is at an incredible 171." Neil let this soak in while Eli nodded once. "So something like this was inevitable. Could you give us a better idea of that journey to get to this point? I think it's safe to say that almost everyone knows that you built CyberLife from nothing, but... I'm curious, Elijah. Tell us something we don't know."

Those azure eyes flicked in your direction, standing near the film crew, absolute perfection even in your usual black and white attire. This was live, and damn near every television was tuned in.

Something they don't know. Something... honest.

Again, his vague grin appeared. "Well, Neil, I believe you may be overselling my capabilities. You're correct about my IQ, that's been tested repeatedly, especially in childhood. But as for building CyberLife from the ground up, from nothing? I didn't do it alone. I couldn't have. And I have three people to thank for that."

This was unusual. The creator himself usually came off as discreet, intelligent, and incredibly arrogant. And here he was on live TV wanting to give credit to other people. Eyebrows high, Neil made a gesture towards him. "By all means, I'm just as curious as everyone else about this, uh... support system."

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