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"Sweetheart, she's beautiful."

The RT600 lay immobile on the metal surface, wires protruding from the back of her neck, connecting her to a rather large computer. Elijah typed furiously on the keyboard, barely needing to glance at the keys. On his other side sat you, also plugged in, sitting demurely with your hands in your lap and a rather distant expression as your creator copied the coding he wanted.

"Thanks, Mom," Eli replied with a vague hint of a smile. He glanced back towards the small group of people watching: his small family of two, Carl, and a handful of his researchers. Though he supposed by now they would be considered employees. "There's one thing I wanna ask you, though."

"What's that, Elijah?" Rebekah asked, finding it difficult to pull her gaze away from the pair of androids.

"Well... she needs a name."

With a healthy dose of surprise, her eyebrows lifted. "Oh! Well..." Gazing at the lovely blonde, who seemed more like she was asleep than deactivated, his mother hummed a bit in thought. "... she looks like a Chloé."

Eli nodded, the vague grin spreading. "Nice, I like that. Chloé it is."

But as her son turned back to his screen, Rebekah came up close, glancing pointedly towards you. "Honey, I thought you made Vi for me? What changed your mind?"

Pausing, hands frozen in place, the taller male lowered his head. "I, uh... I don't want to share, Mom."

"You can tell me."

"No, I mean I don't want to share her with the public. When they see Chloé, they'll want one. And... I'm gonna be selfish and keep Vi as the only android with her appearance."

Patting his arm, his mother had a peculiar gleam in her eyes. "That's not what we label as selfish, Elijah. We call it something very different."

He didn't have time to decipher shit. With the last of the algorithms copied and passed on, Eli disconnected you from the system, waiting for you to boot up before doing anything else. "Everything feel okay, Vi? I want to make sure you're fine before I activate Chloé."

Five seconds were spared to diagnose yourself. "I am functioning with optimal systems, Elijah. All is the same as it was before you connected me."

For one brief moment your creator lifted his hands and cupped your face. Azure eyes locked onto yours, sending an unusually powerful spark through your body, especially your spine.

^ ^ ^ [SoFtwARe iNstAbILIty] ^ ^ ^

"-- Vi? You all right?" Eli's tone was dripping with concern, though the increased heart rate was only noted when you analyzed his vitals.

"Yes, Elijah, I'm all right."

Unsure if he believed you, he offered his vague smile again before going to disconnect the RT600 from the computer, as well. Then he paused, turning to gaze at the rest, then finally you. "Well, here goes nothing."

Chloé was booted up for the first time, but of course several minutes of processing had to be done, first. To say that he was nervous was an understatement.

If this works, that means I can use Vi's coding for more androids. Maybe all of them. She functions so damn well; she could be like the queen bee of this weird, white hive.

When her eyes opened for the first time, it took everything in him not to freak out, but there was definitely a collective sigh of relief. Chloé carefully sat up, indicator yellow as she took in her surroundings for the first time.

"Chloé?" Elijah took a step towards her. When she met his gaze, he smiled. "Hello, Android Model RT600. You have been given the name Chloé by your primary function. Please state that function."

Tangible (Yandere Elijah Kamski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now