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Okay, so maybe Gavin Reed wasn't as smart as he thought he was. Telling an unstable duplicate of his brother that he wanted the woman he'd just delivered?

The EK1000 chuckled again softly, shaking his head. Clearly not taking Gavin seriously. "The joke's over. What do you want?"

"I want Vi," the human repeated. Getting to his feet, hands shoved into his coat pockets, Reed knew he was asking for trouble. But he had a hunch, and his intuition had never led him astray. "You said I could have anything I desired. What the fuck do I need money for, dude? No, I want Vi. She's supported me for years, even when you decided to be a fucking bastard and ignore me after Mom passed." He approached slowly, each step cautious as his rough voice went quiet. "I. Want. Vi."



[P R O T E C T  Y O U R  Q U E E N]

"You are not taking her away from me," the replica hissed, pushing you behind him. "I created her. I did everything for her. Who are you to claim what isn't yours?!" he roared, and suddenly Gavin was flying backwards, sliding along the white tiled floor in the nearby hallway. The replica advanced slowly on the groaning human, his vision nearly blinded by warning messages, quite literally seeing red. And what was worse, Reed was laughing. Laughing! "Fill me in on the joke, Gav."

"You can drop the fucking act," the human chuckled. Pressed against the wall outside the waiting area was the RK800, waiting for Gavin's signal. "You're not my brother. Though I'll admit," he added, sitting up, "you had us fooled pretty damn well."


"Eli's smarter than I like to admit. So obviously his android version is gonna be pretty fucking identical. But I had a feeling he didn't add one detail, cause it happened pretty recently." Getting to his feet, the short male smirked. "Why the fuck would I ask for Vi? I'm gay."

A few silent moments passed. Both you and Markus were inching behind the replica, ready to pounce on Gavin's signal like the other detective. "Very clever, but this doesn't help you," the EK1K replied. "I'll drop the "fucking act", as you label it. So what? This changes nothing."

"Mmmm, see, that's where you're wrong," Reed taunted, reaching and removing the body cam from his jacket. "Now the precinct knows you're a goddamn fake, and they can send it to be broadcast to the city." Shrugging, the scruffy human's smirk widened. "I'm not that fucking stupid. All I wanted to do was kill time, buddy. Vi's safe, my brother should be here any moment, aaaaaaand you're done for."


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How so many were slaughtered in such a short amount of time was discovered in one horrible instant. On the human's signal, all three androids moved to subdue the duplicate.

All three of you made a leap of some sort. None touched the ground.

The EK1000 had long since connected to the facility, granting him access to every single aspect of CyberLife. Including the multitude of unfinished androids, still plugged into a wide range of systems.

With a terrible shriek you were scooped up and off of the floor itself by dismembered arms, hands, wires, anything that could lift something. Gavin watched in horror as the three of you thrashed to no avail, clear off your feet and being lifted still higher.

Reaching out, the replica clamped a hand around the human's throat, guiding him further backward. Towards the railing that barricaded others from tumbling to their deaths to the ground floor. "As admirable as it may be that you had so meticulously planned to take me down, I'm afraid you'll find me a bit more cunning than that."

As Reed fought against the duplicate, there was an attempt made to reach for his weapon. It was promptly knocked out of his hands and over the barricade. The EK1000 guided him by the throat, forcing him to slowly lean back over the railing.

You and Connor both panicked, trying desperately to worm out of the hold of what felt like CyberLife itself. "GAVIN!!" the other detective cried, furiously trying to get himself freed.

The replica didn't bother to hear him, pushing the human further back. Any more and--

"EK, PLEASE DO NOT HARM HIM," you begged, loud enough for him to hear. And only the slight turn of his head let you know he was listening. "P-please. They are only trying to keep me safe, just as you are. I am... I am here, where I belong. Please do not punish them for doing the same as you are."

"They cannot keep you safe as I can," the duplicate replied. He wasn't pulling Gavin away from the barrier, nor was he pushing any further.

"You were programmed for me, I know. And I am completely unharmed, thanks to you. And to these gentlemen, as well." His victim was pulled away from his death by half an inch, so you had to keep going. "EK, I beg of you, do not harm them. As... as a favor to me."

That seemed to do the trick, as Gavin was abruptly yanked away from the barricade again, sliding along the tiled floor on his front now as he groaned. The other two androids were simply released, dropping unceremoniously to the floor in ungainly piles whilst you were gently lowered into the EK1K's arms. "Only at your command, luce mia," he murmured, ignoring the rest of the males.

You knew that his devotion had been amplified to a degree beyond obsessive. So it was up to you and you alone to keep him calm until Elijah returned. But you frowned in a delicate gesture, reaching up and cupping his cheek. "How quickly did you deviate," you asked gently.

"Within a matter of days," he admitted.

"And your primary function?"

"To protect and watch over you, at any cost." The fake creator looked almost in a dream, walking away and carrying you like his bride. "Does this displease you? Are you disappointed in my performance?"

Your careful frown said enough, but it was your words that hit home: "What will become of you when Elijah returns? You were designed to take his place, but not indefinitely. EK, what will happen now? You are self aware, yet still driven to guard me. What will you do?"

It was a question he hadn't considered. His piercing eyes drifted away slowly, staring at some spot in the distance. In equal measure, his grip on you tightened.

Your fuel pump grew erratic, thumping painfully as you realized that this was the worst-case scenario for a bodyguard-type prototype. "EK?"











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