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The next morning was unusual, at least for you. You'd gone into Sleep Mode, like you typically did, but for whatever reason, Elijah had insisted that both you and Chloé take a guest room each to use a bed properly.

What's more, he was awake before you were: well past sunrise. A soft brush across your indicator was enough to bring you back to consciousness. Eli sat on the edge of your bed, wearing the same vague smile that only turned kinder when you caught his gaze. "How was sleeping in a bed this time, mm? Now that you're able to feel it, I mean."

A moment was spared for you to get your systems running properly. "Comfortable. I am... enjoying this warmth. Now I understand why it's so difficult to get you out of bed in the mornings."

Throwing his head back to laugh, your creator settled down after a bit and laid a hand over your own. "I'm sure I don't need to ask you if you remember what I said last night. About allowing me to show you the better side of things for a week?" When you nodded, he grinned, pushing his glasses up his nose. "Well, Vi, that week starts today. I've already told my team that I won't be in, and... they actually suggested I take two weeks. But I can't afford to be absent for so long. We have a lot of models rolling out soon, and I want to be present for those."

As he got to his feet so you could slide out of bed, you paused for a moment. "Elijah? What will you be showing me?"

Peering over his shoulder, the male tapped the side of his head a few times. "That's a secret, Vi."

[ 01010110 01001001 ]

I don't know what kind of fire got under her ass last night, but I have to make sure Chloé's okay.

By the time he was knocking at the RT600's door, she was already awake and ready for the day, opening the door before the third knock. "--oh. I, uh... didn't expect you to be awake already."

"I woke up an hour and ten minutes ago, Elijah, I apologize for not informing you. I was under the impression that you wanted me to... sleep in." She seemed uncomfortable with even that notion.

Fuck. She really is the opposite of Vi; complete machine.

"No need to apologize, Chloé, but thank you. I actually wanted to let you know I'll be gone for probably the entire day."

Her indicator immediately blinked yellow. "Where are we going? There is nothing on my schedule for the day."

Shit. "Ah... I'm taking Vi out, actually. I... promised her I'd take a week to show her the good side of emotions and stuff, aaaaand that starts today." Elijah grinned a tiny bit. He was feeling considerably better than the night prior when he was fully prepared to tear the RT600 apart.

What the hell got into me last night?

Chloé gave an embarrassed smile, her eyes cast aside. "I misunderstood then. She certainly would benefit from your expertise. May I make a suggestion?"

"Oh, uh... sure. Hit me." A second passed. "Not literally."

The RT600 actually laughed, but only for a short time. "The roof of the Stratford Tower has the best view of Detroit at night. Maybe showing her the city all lit up would be enjoyable?"

"Fuck, that's a good idea. I didn't think about that, thank you Chloé." Elijah hesitated. "Are you all right this morning? Last night was... chaos."

"Perhaps chaos is too strong a word, Elijah. Confusing and certainly messy, I will attest to. But I am feeling more like myself, so I thank you." Pulling her door open further, the female smiled gently. "I know what you wish to ask, and no, I did not intend on harming Miss Vi. I took it upon myself to evaluate the situation, and I have come to the conclusion that being self-aware should not deter anyone from doing their duties."

Tangible (Yandere Elijah Kamski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now