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"Dude, don't just hover near the doorway looking creepy." Grinning wide, Gavin released you, silently hopeful that shit could be sorted out right then and there.

The fuel pump in your chest pounded wildly; though you could not feel it, you knew it was operating much harder than was optimal. One hand flat on your chest, you felt far too out of place again. Really, Elijah Kamski's personal assistant, dressed up and out in public at a high society event?

[I do not belong. I am not supposed to be here, nor seen in the first place. I'm uncertain if Elijah has gotten questions about this "other" android accompanying his brother.]

"What's going on? I turn away for one minute and she's screaming," Elijah muttered, shooting his brother an awful glare as he went to you. "Vi, talk to me, please," he added, not wanting to beg but ready to do so if he had to.

[--no. I cannot ruin this for him.]

The smile was slight, yet it was all you could manage. "Forgive me for being disrupti--"

Eli covered your mouth with a hand, an unusual stern glint in his eye. "Tell me the truth. Now. No more lies, no more beseeching explanations."

Startled at being given a direct order to be honest, your words came pouring out before you could stop them. "Elijah, I do not belong here. I am sorry to have pulled you away from the gala, I don't intend to be selfish or attention-seeking." Gavin's frown was seen from the edges of your optical modules. "... please return me to being your virtual assistant when we go home. I do not like being self-aware. I... I hate it. I hate that I feel emotions; they are cumbersome and painful. I can't bear this pain every time I see you with Chlo--"


As your words sank in, your creator's heart began to race. "... so you're jealous." Your lower lip noticeably shook, and the taller male gathered you into his arms. "The longer your instability remains, the more your algorithms will show emotions to you, Vi. You didn't lie to me because you yourself weren't aware."

Just like earlier, you burst abruptly into tears, muffled against Elijah's chest. "I'm s-so sorry..." came your soft outcry.

It's been years. She's so overwhelmed...

Quietly, he cooed to you, forgetting where he was and what he was supposed to be doing, all because you'd started to cry. "You've nothing to apologize for. But I have one request before you decide not to be in this form any longer." Given a soft hum, Eli continued: "Not everything is painful, Vi. Give it a chance. Experience the good before you accept it all to be bad." Taking your chin, the tears were minded before his smile appeared. "Give me a week, all right? Please? I'll show you that not everything is terrible."

Whatever it takes to stop those tears.

[ 01010110 01001001 ]

Only when the three of you finally returned did things seem to settle a bit. Chloé approached but went directly to you, taking your hands into her own. "Miss Vi, are you unwell? May I help?"

Her concern flooded her pretty face, and you immediately understood: she was not the one to be upset at. The RT600 was the opposite of self-aware, and was just following orders.

[Chloé is not vindictive. She may not have even experienced instability.]

Slowly, the grasp on one of her hands let go, holding out your other hand in such a way that she knew: memory probe.

Elijah was glued to this interaction, having never seen it for himself. You gripped the other female's forearm while she did the same, silently transferring the last few minutes to her memory files.

Tangible (Yandere Elijah Kamski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now