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"You're fucking lucky you're my brother, dude," he muttered, complaining about this, that and the other the whole while. Stepping into his brother's new, obnoxiously modern home, Gavin had a clothes hanger in his grasp, slung over his shoulder, with a plastic bag wrapping whatever was hanging inside. "I am not about this whole fancy bullshit."

"Gav, it's for Carl. He's said time and time again, we may as well be his sons. Cut the guy some slack. Besides," Elijah added, gesturing to both you and Chloé standing nearby, "these two need dates."

Gray eyes closed, clearly defeated. "You had to pull the cute girl card, man?"

"I don't think I had to pull any card at all. I think you would've come on your own, but you would've also been a salty little bitch about it. I figured if you had a date, you might keep your shit in line," Eli added, smirking wide as he laid a hand on his brother's head. "So keep your shit in line."

Swiping the hand away from the top of his head, the younger sibling glowered for a moment longer before finally settling some. "Fine. But there better not be a ton of press swarming you."

"I agree but I can't promise anything. Carl's already made a name for himself, and CyberLife is booming. For all I know, the second I step into that gallery, they're gonna forget why they're even there in the first place."

Arrogant jackass...

Gavin's eyes narrowed a little as he turned away, meaning to get changed in one of the multiple guest rooms and feeling a little left behind. A glance back over his shoulder let him make up his mind. "Hey, Vi, you wanna help me out with this?"

Catching your creator's eye, he nodded. "Yes, Gavin," you replied, following the shorter male into one of the rooms.

You, of course, had no issues with him changing in front of you. He seemed to have enough issues to make up for that; Gavin's face was a consistent, light pink as he pulled on the expensive suit. "Remind me to tell Eli not to spend any fuckin' money on me..."

"Of course; when would you like the reminder?" Your response was immediate and genuine, but it got the human to chuckle.

"That wasn't literal, Vi. I'm just over here bitching cause I get the feeling this suit cost more than anything I've ever spent money on. Ever."

"Well, Gavin, do you consider Brunello Cucinelli's designs expensive?"

He paused before starting to button up the dark, muted green shirt. "I'm not sure how to answer cause I've never heard that name before." Gray eyes narrowed. "Which probably means it's fucking expensive as shit."

"Expensive seems to be a crass and unrefined word for the brand, based on what I've learned." The male groaned. "... the suit jacket alone costs over five thousand."

Bad timing; he'd just pulled the thing on, begrudgingly admiring how well it fit. The rest of the suit was a pale gray to match his eyes, but now Gavin was just stewing in his annoyance. "Goddamnit, are you shitting me?! Five thousand actual dollars just for--" The rest of the sentence died in a groan, hands clapped over his face.

Your LED went yellow as you frowned a good deal. "I'm sorry, I should not have said anything."

"H-hey, come on, don't look at me like that..." Gavin's aggravation faded as he stepped closer. "I'm just... making a fuss, Vi, that's all. Trust me, I'm super fuckin' grateful he got this for me, cause it fits really damn nicely." Yet the light did not return to a serene blue, so he simply stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Vi. I'm not moving until you're okay again."


"Ah, ah. Nope. I want a smile. Please?" His efforts were endearing, and you found yourself smiling after all, LED returning to blue. "There we go, that's my girl." Your cheeks were taken, head lowered so he could plant a kiss to the top of your head.

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