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The two of you had locked eyes with one another, both indicators yellow with an occasional flicker of red the more time passed. You opened your mouth cautiously, opting for peace... or in the very least a non-confrontational reply. "Destroying his empire is the last thing I wish to do, Chloé."

"Yet here you remain, doing the exact opposite of what you are made to do." Her biting tone was a far cry from the sweet and maternal demeanor she usually showed. "If you are the favorite, as Elijah claims you to be, act like it. You are his assistant, not his... girlfriend," she spat, eyes narrowed as she stormed away from you, presumably returning to the main hall- and the creator.

[Are you angry because I am self aware, or because you yourself have not reach this point?]

[I am disgusted that you wish to act against your duties. We are not human, Miss Vi. And if you continue to act as such, I will be pleased to inform the press during his next interview that he has a failed attempt at an android.]

[... I don't believe that is as much of a threat as you want it to be.]

[I will make sure you are nothing more than a failure.]















Well, that may not have been good. You had no knowledge of a Secondary Mode, though you certainly had an overwhelming urge to be petty.

[Elijah will give me information on this. I need to know before it turns out to be an issue and causes some sort of trouble.]

Returning at last to the event, you realized that you'd been ignoring your date for a good chunk of the night. Luckily he was with his brother, so you could kill two mechanical birds with one stone, so to speak. You made a beeline for Gavin, smiling a tiny bit. "I am so sorry, Gavin; I am not intentionally ignoring you tonight."

Tangible (Yandere Elijah Kamski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now