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[You are not a burden.]

It was those words that seemed to help the most. While you could find no reason for Connor to lie to you, you thought that perhaps hearing Elijah tell you would help even further.

You'd gone to sit down while you spoke to Connor in the Zen Garden, alone and separated from the rest of Carl's guests. Though once you felt calmer, you returned to the main hall, the click of your heels unheard amidst the general chatter of the rest. Elijah was in the threshold between spaces, arms crossed as he spoke to his brother, the RT600 standing at his side silently. You caught her attention internally, and even from a distance you could see Eli perk up as she murmured to him, his eyes seeking you out from the crowd as you approached.

[If I am truly beginning to register touch... I know that Connor discovered it first, but I do not believe that will upset Elijah. He will still appreciate knowing.]

His vague smile turned genuine, walking away from the other two in favor of reaching you sooner. This time, your own smile came easy. "I'm hoping that's a good sign," your creator spoke up once you were barely a few feet away.

"If I apologize for worrying you again, you will get annoyed at me. So I won't apologize," came your response, a light teasing note in the words that got a chuckle out of him. Hands behind your back out of habit, you wondered how best to tell him, but quickly realized there were other ways. Holding a hand out, you watched an eyebrow lift above his glasses. "I am politely requesting a dance with my creator. I know the public will most likely question why--"

Taking your hand, Eli had to admit that his stupid heart was pounding again. "They can think what they want to; it would be my honor to be your first dance partner, Vi." The human guided you away and through the main hall, towards another open space where there was actually music playing. But before either of you could take a position you reached with your other hand, gently removing his glasses. "Uhhhhh...?"

"Your eyesight does not require you to wear these when you aren't looking at a screen." Folding them, you tucked the frames into his suit jacket's inner pocket, noting his pulse speeding up but not mentioning it. "... you also have lovely eyes and everyone deserves to see them, Elijah."

Whaaaaat the fuuuuuuck.

How his face was actually burning, he had no idea, but it was. With a gentle touch you ended up getting the both of you into position, putting his hand on your hip while grasping your other, your free hand on his shoulder. "I know that both you and Gavin have taken ballroom dancing lessons, and a waltz seems simple enough. Shall we?"

He had to shake his head hard to get himself back to the present. "Um... y-yeah, waltz. It's easy, yeah, it's... yeah. G-good choice."

He still stumbled over the first few steps, cursing under his breath. You giggled quietly, moving slow until he found his footing again. Beneath your hand, the suit material was smooth, crafted well and tailored to the human's broad shoulders. The fact that you could feel the material was a marvel unto itself. In your other hand was his body heat, of course; not intense, but the sense of touch was growing at a slow rate. It would still be awhile before you would be able to detect minor differences.

After a few minutes had passed, you were gingerly pulled a little closer, and your fuel pump thumped hard in your chest. The music had slowed and so did the two of you, opting to simply stay in one spot. Both hands on his shoulders, they slid down as you inched closer still, enough to lay your head against Elijah's chest with your hands at his upper back now.

I don't know what's happening but if anyone interrupts us, I'll kill them.

In the edges of his vision, your LED continued to stay the serene blue color; you were content with this, with such close contact. "... Elijah?"

Tangible (Yandere Elijah Kamski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now