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The waiting room was quiet, and you hardly dared to move, hands situated carefully in your lap. Elijah had gently requested that you remain in the chair while he went to speak with his doctor. You weren't sure how worried to be, but you trusted your creator with every line of code he'd written, and so you respected his desire for privacy.

It didn't stop you from worrying.

Soon enough the taller male returned from the hallway, wearing his well-known vague smile as he spoke quietly to the doctor beside him. As soon as they shook hands, however, that vague gesture shifted to the genuine one Eli seemed to save exclusively for you. Getting to your feet, your hands wrung behind your back as you patiently waited for him to speak first. "It'll be a day or two to get the results from the blood work, Vi. I'll be okay, I'm just wanting to cover all my bases."

Nodding, your algorithms were going crazy, demanding answers while the two of you returned to his vehicle. For the moment, at least, the human seemed to be walking just fine. "What sort of blood work are they doing, Elijah?"

There was no response until the two of you were settled in the car, and even then he raised an eyebrow at you. "Vi. Don't get worked up to the point of shutting down on me, okay? It's just a test."

"Telling me not to get worked up is the equivalent of telling me not to function," came your rather salty reply. Eli's startled face didn't quell it, either. "You created me as an assistant when you were 14 years old. I have known you for 22 years, Elijah Kamski; do not tell me not to worry about you when that is what you have programmed me to do."

Were you to scan his vitals, you would have seen his heart racing as you chewed him out. Hands reached and cupped the sides of your neck as the male leaned over, capturing your lips in a feverish gesture. You were kissed as though your love would give him life, and it was returned just as eagerly. His affection was swiftly being exchanged for passion, something you knew all the numbing jolts going down your metal spine were a part of. And though you adored the sweetness of your creator's affectionate gestures, you were experiencing yet another new sensation: hunger.

Even so, Elijah was privately hesitant about going far with you. The hands that gripped his head with a delicate touch fueled his need, his drive to have you properly. The kiss was broken slowly, the hand that had moved to your chin kept it lowered enough to part your lips just so.

The moment your lower lip shook at his touch set his decision in stone. "Come on," he murmured, more growl than voice, not knowing the effect it had on your resolve. "We need to pay an old friend a visit."

[ 01001100 01101111 ]

The offices hadn't really changed around much, save for one person. Riding the elevator to the top floor, where his office used to be, felt mildly bittersweet. Eli was happy regardless; if anyone deserved to be in charge of CyberLife, it was Bryan.

The pair spent a long few minutes catching up, though it felt a little unusual for Elijah to be in front of that glass desk and not behind it. You stood beside him politely, waiting for the conversation to turn to the reason for your presence.

Though when it finally did, Bryan could not mask his shock. "Are... hang on, you're serious? You wanna give Vi...?"

"Yes," the former CEO told the current one. "22 years, Dechart, that's how long she's been with me. I owe her that much, giving her the upgraded body that all of your models possess now."

Despite the prototype android that had been sent to work with law enforcement sharing his likeness, the dark-haired human smiled kindly at you, knowing you'd been self-aware for a long time. "So what's your opinion on this, Vi? How do you feel about being given a new body?"

Tangible (Yandere Elijah Kamski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now