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(Mild Trigger Warning for self-harm on this one!

For the first couple of days the four of you were nearly attached at the hip. Gavin simply stayed with Elijah; so long as his brother didn't mind, of course. One of them was always within your sight, as well. It was usually Gav, but every so often you would receive an embrace from behind from your creator.

After nearly a week had passed, the younger sibling finally decided to at least return to his apartment. "If I don't fuckin' do something and keep my head occupied, I'll go nuts," was his reasoning.

You took one of his hands into both of his, offering a soft smile and a kiss to his cheek. "You know we are only a message away, Gavin," you replied. "If you ever feel you cannot be alone, tell us."

Gray eyes softened a good deal before you were pulled into his arms, the male's face buried into the crook of your neck. "... thanks, Vi," he whispered. "You... did a hell of a lot for me. F-for us. I... fuckin' hell, I love you."

"I love you too, Gavin," you murmured before pulling away at last, seeing him to the front door and waiting for him to drive off.

It was not a romantic sort of love. Gavin had told you more than once that he saw you closer to family, a support system. Maybe a best friend. Besides, even if he himself did not realize it yet, he was not attracted to you in that way.

Or... to any female, for that matter.

That did not mean the words went unheard by those who did not understand the dynamic as much. And that was probably where the trouble had started.

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"Elijah?" You hovered in the doorway to his lab, staring at his back while he typed furiously at his complex system. Given no response, you took a step closer, worried for reasons you could not comprehend. "Elijah--"

"I can hear you."

The quiet but sharp words stung, making you hesitate greatly. "... forgive me for being blunt, but why are you avoiding me?"

The typing slowed to a stop, the human turning his head an inch. Still not enough to see you. His long hair was a tangled mess, and the dark circles beneath his eyes said enough for his condition. "You think I'm avoiding you, then?"

"I know you are. It's been three days, and you have been going out of your way to avoid contact. Elijah..." you tried again, taking another step into his lab. "Please do not shut us out. I know you are grieving but I worry for you. You are not--"

"Didn't I fucking say not to mother me?" Again the bitter tone. The tears spilled over from your eyes with alarming speed, but it didn't answer any of your questions. Yet he went on: "Hmm? Did I or did I not tell you not to mother me?"

Staring at the floor, your mouth worked, pushing past the error messages that demanded you leave. "Y-yes... some time ago, you did..."

This time, at least, Eli turned to look at you. And despite what he'd been told, his resolve shattered when your tears were seen. The human got to his feet, stomach churning like mad and trying not to panic. "... Vi, answer me one thing." Those violet eyes stared into his soul, judging his harsh and stubborn nature, and in an instant he hated himself more than anything. "...... Vi, I'm a goddamn fool. You... you don't actually love my brother, do you?"

Your eyebrows knit tightly together. Was that what this whole ordeal was about?! "I love Gavin as a companion. He is incredibly affectionate and open to those he is comfortable with. You have been avoiding me because you believe he and I have romantic feelings for one another?"

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