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"Elijah, I distinctly recall reminding you that you did not have to buy anything."

Chuckling to himself, Eli shrugged a little, back outside with an arm around your shoulders. He'd liked the waistcoat so much he refused to take it off, paying for it and stuffing his other clothes into a bag. "I know, but Vi. I look too good."

"I will inform Gavin that your ego is also maturing." The male threw his head back and laughed, which in turn made you smile a bit to yourself. "We have an hour and six minutes before sundown; if you have any more plans that involve the outdoors in some way, we ought to--"

"Vi." You stopped speaking immediately, casting a glance at your creator and his serious expression. "Listen to me. For tonight, don't worry about all of that. I told you I took this week off to show you the benefits of emotion and physically feeling things. If we're out all night, then we're out all night." He paused, mouth pressed thin and pulled aside. "... I haven't really shown you any good experiences, though."

"Elijah, even if we simply run errands, I am enjoying this. I......" Here you paused.

[This is a risk. The probability of this going poorly is...]

"I do not get to enjoy the outside world as you and Miss Chloé do. So I have been savoring every minor thing I do with you today."

His heart began to sink. "Vi, do you think I've been sheltering you from the outside world? You've been to CyberLife time and time again, but..." Eli sighed. "Be honest."

LED flashing yellow, the corners of your mouth turned down a slight bit. "... yes, Elijah. I am sorry."

"Don't ever apologize when I ask for honesty." With a pause, the human's eyes narrowed. Sundown wasn't for another hour, but... "Come on."

[ 01010101 01010011 ]

The Stratford Tower was deep in the city, so it would take your creator a good deal of time to get there. Luckily for him, Detroit was beginning to light up as the two of you stepped from his vehicle.

Your eyes soaked up the building's interior once you'd stepped inside. All that technology, ripe for use, if you only had a cable to connect to it.

Or at least their passwords. And that would take you no more than two minutes to figure out, with Elijah by your side.

He seemed to know the mischief in your algorithms as his smile widened, headed for the elevator with you on his arm again. "Vi, I don't think I'd have any power to stop you if you decided to insert yourself into their database, but the thought of what you'd do terrifies me."

"Elijah, please do not misjudge my integrity. I would do nothing to bring about the ruin of your building empire." A beat passed. "Gavin is fair game."

Thank God he was in the elevator; the male laughed so hard he had to lean against one of the walls for support, feeling his legs trying to give out. This young and brilliant CEO of a tech corporation, dying of laughter in an elevator. The sight alone would probably raise some questions about the stoic nature he seemed to have developed for the press, but... all you knew was Elijah Kamski, the fucking nerd with a soft spot for family and a knack for getting you to smile.

Your fuel pump reminded you of its existence, beating hard for three seconds while Eli calmed down at last. Using the wall to get himself upright again, he sighed before suddenly pulling you close, into the sort of embrace reserved for more intimate situations. "Know that everything I do, I do for you and my family, Vi. I can't picture myself anywhere but here, and I hope you get a glimpse of what I see when we get to the top."

Tangible (Yandere Elijah Kamski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now