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[ELiJah L-=ERROR=-oVes YoU?]


"Vi? What's wrong?" The man in front of you tilted his head the smallest bit, a gesture that androids were known for.

Androids like the EK1K waiting for your answer.

[Stay away from...]

Elijah had warned you. He had called you, ordering you to leave, to get away from this picture-perfect replica of himself.

The replica whose hands gently cupped your face, edging closer to your body so he could press a kiss between your lovely, violet eyes. "You look like you've seen something terrible, luce mia."

[SM - Get out by any means necessary]

[SM - Avoid suspicion]

Shaking your head a little, you managed a smile believable enough to make the android's azure eyes light up. "I'm all right, Elijah, I am so sorry. I believe I may still be a bit shaken up from earlier."

"Well, I don't blame you in the least. Pulling out a gun like that must have frightened you, hmm?" Leaning in, another kiss was pressed to your cheek, the EK1K lingering there for a long moment. "I'm sorry, Vi. I think I may have overreacted a bit earlier. But I have no intention to keep the firearm, and your RT600 models are being fixed."

[SM - Any means necessary]

"Have you eaten today, Elijah?" When he expectedly hesitated, you pulled away a little, showing the massive disappointment in your eyes. "You've been doing so well with not needing reminders. Having my predecessor and his partner show up truly threw you off balance."

When you took his wrist, "Elijah" went willingly enough until he realized you were taking him into the kitchen. "Vi, I'll eat later. I'm really not that hungry right now."

Gazing over your shoulder at him, you had the proper stern expression that shut him up. "I will not let you starve again. I thought this habit of yours was broken already."

"Can I at least take a shower first? Get the pool water and chlorine out of my hair, please?" He gestured to himself, and you realized that the robe was tied just enough to cover the outline of his regulator. How could you have missed everything? How long had this replica been there for?

Raising an eyebrow, you seemed heavily skeptical. "Will you eat afterward?"

"Of course I will."


After one last kiss, this time to the tip of your nose, the EK1K turned and walked right out of the kitchen again, heading for the master bedroom. You didn't know how much time you had, but you guessed that it would be very little.

You hurried to Elijah's lab, switching the lights on but not finding whatever had become of Chloé. Once more you tried to contact her, and could not find her systems anywhere.

[Chloé, I am so sorry........]

Tears blurred your vision, but Secondary Mode was in full swing, demanding that you get out before the EK1K could return.

Tangible (Yandere Elijah Kamski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now