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For the most part, the pair of humans slept during the flight. You alone were alert, LED glowing a serene blue in the dim lighting of the cabin. As much as Gavin might have complained about taking a private aircraft, the second he saw the interior he shut his mouth. It was for the sake of privacy; if anyone figured out that Elijah Kamski was on a plane to Florida, things could be figured out.

The rehabilitation center guaranteed privacy and discretion, which was what Eli needed. But the other thing he definitely needed was family. And as far as you knew, he would be there for a year.

He'd just gotten his brother back into his life, only for Gavin to force him to step down from CyberLife and see him to rehab. But it was the fact that he was present at all that helped the most.

A hand slowly rose and covered one of your own, clasping it with a relaxed grip. You turned to find your creator smiling just enough to be seen.

Nothing was said. Knowing that you would not have his affectionate contact for a year, you laid your head on his shoulder, trying to allow the probability of his recovery to ease your system.

A kiss was pressed to the top of your head, words murmured against it so as not to wake the other sibling. "I love you, Vi. Thank you."

"I love you more, Elijah," you whispered, eyes closing. "I am sorry for how this has turned out."

"Why? I have you and Gavin with me to make sure I get better and stop acting like a fool." His head leaned against your own cautiously. "If anything, I'm the one who's sorry. For... everything."

"Focus on recovery. That will be a better thank-you."

"For you two?" Another kiss, this one lingering. "Anything."

[ 01001100 01101111 ]

The rehabilitation center specialized in high-profile clients. Or, rather, ones that absolutely needed privacy and would pay out the ass for that guarantee. Elijah Kamski certainly qualified for such a rank, as his worth kept rising by the moment despite having stepped down.

It hurt deeply to leave him behind, but for the sake of his health you knew it was necessary. You could not visit, of course, but once he was in a better mental state after the bulk of the withdrawal was over, he would be able to keep in touch.

You had every intention in staying in his home, to keep up with whatever needed to be done in Eli's absence. He had no pets, and the RT600 model had been deactivated and wiped clean, then tossed into some storage room for the time being.

For the first few days, you did have to answer to a lot of people wanting answers as to why the CEO of CyberLife had stepped down so suddenly, how sick he really was, and mostly his whereabouts. You were happy to give perfectly vague responses, the kind that Elijah himself would have offered, with a smile to match.

Even the weekly phone calls did not stop you from experiencing a new emotion: loneliness. Gavin did stop by frequently, but of course he could never stay long.

Talking with Connor helped, but not much more than Gavin visiting. Your mentor still did not have a crystal-clear uniform as of yet, but his voice was calming as it always was. He was always happy to assure you, to keep you company for a little while until you felt better prepared for the physical world.

[ 01110110 01100101 ]

The day Elijah was finally being discharged, it felt like a massive weight was lifted from your chest. In its place were fluttery sensations in your software, electric jolts making your hands shake in anticipation.

[I did not realize how badly I'd missed him until now. I believe it was always present, but... I am... actually nervous about seeing him once more.]

Gray eyes watched you during the flight, sensing your nervous energy. Smiling to himself, Gavin finally let relief wash over him.

I think shit is gonna be okay, now. He's recovered, and she really misses him. They've got a good thing.

A note of something sour descended onto his mood, and the male shook his head harshly to clear it.

No, I have no reason to be jealous. I mean, fuck... I guess I could ask him to build me an android. If... I'm really that lonely.

Which... I think I am.


The rehab center was upscale and extremely comfortable, even just in the lounge area for visitors. Both you and Gavin noticed a good number of androids working amongst humans, and for the most part, it was mutual teamwork. The androids seemed to be treated like every other employee, save for the salary.

Elijah said next to nothing about how the treatment affected him, besides the obvious recovery. Having seen some images of himself before being admitted, he realized just how low he'd sunk. But he worked hard to get back to a healthy weight, and even took advantage of the center's fitness equipment.

Hands pressed together by the fingertips, his vague smile vanished in favor of a much happier one as he strolled into the lounge. The sofa that Gavin and you were occupying was facing away, which provided Eli the perfect chance to surprise both of you.

One hand lay on your shoulder, the other on his sibling's, before the creator spoke: "Well, well, look at this, a gorgeous woman and a fucking loser."

You both scrambled but Gavin was much quicker, basically launching himself at Elijah, hugging the tall male so hard he might have broken a bone...

... if Eli hadn't decided to do some fucking weightlifting to compensate for the sickly figure he had a year prior.

"Jesus fucking Christ, dude, you look incredible," came the shorter human's tone, muffled against his brother's shoulder. It was a long few minutes before they pulled back, Gavin having to wipe his face and cursing to himself for it.

Hands held out for you to take, Elijah's features softened for you and you alone, admiring the woman he'd created- and who hadn't changed. "You're a hell of a sight for sore eyes, Vi," he murmured.

The offered hands were ignored, pushed apart in favor of another embrace. Arms instantly swallowed you up in warmth, and the tears came before your system noticed. "I have... missed you terribly," you managed, trying to hold the male closer to you, feeling the good health he worked hard for under your touch. He felt so solid. Strong.

Elijah absolutely refused to let you go. "... one never knows how much they miss someone until they finally return."

Gavin looked away to be polite when his brother finally pulled you in for a kiss long overdue. He had a stupid grin on his face either way.

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