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"What are your plans for today, Elijah?" Your question was soft, still holding the folded garments he'd just handed to you. "Is this attire for today only, or is this to replace my standard outfit?"

The male only chuckled, shaking his head. "Vi, just put it on, please. You ask so many questions."

"... this is how you programmed me."

"Then I'll have to train you to just accept a gift when it's given. Both of you, for that matter," he added, still grinning. "Look, I saw that top and I thought it'd look cute on you. Okay? You got it out of me." Hands behind his back, you were drawn to the flush of pink across his cheeks, barely hidden beneath the beard. "Now go ahead and change, I'll wait for you in the living room." With that vague smile Elijah finally left the room, shutting the door behind you for the sake of privacy.

Blinking wildly, you gazed down at the garments in your hold. Faded jeans that were ripped strategically in places across the front of your legs for reasons unknown, and a long-sleeved top the same shade of violet as your eyes. Holding it up, you noted the words Life Is Too Short For Safe USB Removal on the front, and you ended up smiling to yourself a bit.

[Elijah is insistent on this, meaning he desires to see me in what is considered more casual clothing.

The probability of some sort of outdoor activity is greater than that of an indoor one.]

As you changed, you realized that the collar of the shirt was far too wide and ended up sliding off of one shoulder. It seemed like it was made intentionally so; if it wasn't, you knew your creator would fix that. Heels in hand you emerged after folding your typical attire neatly, finding Eli on the sofa, messaging on his phone.

The tall male did a double-take when he lifted his gaze, the vague smile spreading quickly. "You look so... normal."

"Thank you, Elijah. Normal is subjective, so I will accept your definition to mean that I look more human, in a positive light."

God damn she's so cute in that.

"Right in one, Vi. Now, then," he added, getting to his feet and lifting a hand. In his grasp were low-top purple Vans, specifically. "No way are you wearing those heels in that outfit. I want to see how long it may take for others to notice that you aren't human." Handing the sneakers over, the human fell quiet as you diligently pulled the new shoes on.

I have no idea where to take her. Walking around Detroit would be a start, I guess. We'll wing it.

When you approached again, hands behind your back, you glanced around the living area. "... where is Miss Chloé?"

"She took a taxi to CyberLife while you were changing. I intended to drive her, but... she called the taxi internally, and I had no idea until it was pulling into the driveway." Elijah lifted his hands and let them drop back down. His eyes seemed glued to you... or in the least, to your exposed shoulder. Azure gaze tracing the line from your shoulder up your neck, the world around him vanished briefly as your creator admired you.

I have this... intense, terrible urge to...

Fuck, no, no, now I'm being creepy.

Yet the drive to lean in and trace that line with his lips remained, even as he forced his vague smile and guided you out the front door.

[ 01010110 01001001 ]

"Am I safe with the assumption that this will be an outing requiring more comfort-inclined shoes?" Sitting in the passenger seat, your hands were folded neatly in your lap.

Elijah only glanced at you momentarily while he drove, though he did shift in his seat, indicating his discomfort. "... okay, confession time. I don't really have any plans for the day, Vi. The only idea I have actually came from Chloé, and that won't happen until the sun goes down. I was hoping you would be all right with walking around downtown. If you see something that piques your interest, don't be shy about it."

"Yes, Elijah."

I'm starting to think I made her voice a bit too alluring. I swear to God sometimes she's purring. ... Or I'm just losing my marbles one by one.

Parking the vehicle in a public space, the male shot out and went to open your door before you were able. With a smile you accepted his offered hand to climb out, and did the same for the arm he offered right after. The two of you strolled down the sidewalk amidst other people, all out enjoying the late spring sunshine. Summer was on the horizon, and while Gavin loathed the hot weather, Eli didn't mind it as much.

You silently let your eyes roam the street, scanning each business and compiling all the data into some folder internally. Though you did hesitate in front of one shop in particular: the exterior was painted a vivid red with a jet black trim. The sign on top had been hand-painted, a skull with two tattoo guns crossed beneath it, as opposed to the standard crossbones.

"Wishful Inking, huh? Voluntary pain, in other words," your creator spoke up, taking in the shop's design before seeing that you weren't looking away from it. "... if you're curious, Vi, we can go in. A lot of these places take walk-ins."

"I don't believe I would be able to withstand a tattoo," you replied softly, finally tearing your gaze away from the shop. "You developed us to heal much quicker than is normal, and I do not possess the layer of skin required to hold tattoo ink. This skin would reject it immediately." Eyes lowering a bit, the human could see the mild dismay.

"Would you even want one?"

"... I am unsure. Knowing that I cannot have one does have the reverse effect, in that now I am overly curious."

While he himself never really considered body modification, Eli took the hand clutching his arm, gently guiding you with him into the shop.

The male behind the counter looked like he could snap Eli's spine in half, but there was a warmth in his gaze that told the opposite. "Welcome in, guys; you looking to get any...thing......"

When he trailed off, your creator smiled a tiny bit wider. "Everything all right?"

Shifting his weight, the shop worker crossed his arms over his barrel chest. "Aren't you that android guy? Kam... something?"

Well, shit. Grin turning sheepish, Elijah nodded. "Kamski. Yeah, that's me, nice to meet you," he added, shaking the guy's hand with the one not holding yours. "I'm gonna be honest, I wasn't thinking about a tattoo, but she was curious and wanted to come in."

Nodding, the shop worker reached down and pulled out a couple of binders from some unseen shelf. "Curiosity killed the cat, man."

"And good tattoo work brought it back?" you offered, edging closer to peer at the binders.

Chuckling, he nodded, "Okay, that's pretty good. We do both, though: tattoos, and I've got a body piercer as well. So you two look through, take all the time you want. If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask. Name's Derrick."

As he walked away again, leaving the two of you, Eli only took the binder labeled Piercing to look through. "What will you have done?" Your question was soft, gazing around the shop. It was entirely spotless, and the large space beyond the counter had a row of doors, all painted a different color for a rainbow effect. Framed tattoo flash art lined the walls, and there was a low hum of a tattoo gun running from behind at least one of the doors.

"Well..." he began, opening the binder. "Never considered myself a tattoo person. That might change, I don't know. Piercings, on the other hand..." The tall male gazed at you from over the top of his glasses, his vague smile returning. "I know you said tattoos won't work with the artificial skin, and you're right, but what about a piercing?"

The concept was turned over. "In theory, my body would heal the wound immediately. If I had something in this hole, it would remain, with my skin healing around it."

"So in other words, you'd get a piercing and it would be fine. No time needed to let it heal." Blue eyes almost sparkled while he thought things over. "... what do you say, then, Vi? You want something done with me?"

Tangible (Yandere Elijah Kamski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now