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Detroit was not a small city, so there were a wide variety of costumes intermingling with one another. Very few of them had special effects, however; just as you'd expected, Elijah Kamski dressed as Disney's Hades drew attention almost immediately. But with that came the notice of you and Gavin, as well, so the group costume worked out quite nicely.

The siblings had watched countless Disney films, and Hercules was very obviously one of Gavin's favorites. The fact that he'd lucked out in having a taller sibling seemed to make him stand out even more, and the detective was absolutely adoring the attention. You remained quiet for the most part, staying by Gavin's side but being mindful not to ignore your creator.

Eli noticed what you were doing immediately, quietly pulling you aside while Gavin was talking to one of his fellow officers. "Vi, it's okay. You don't have to keep coming to me like I'm getting jealous or something." The genuine smile that only seemed to show for you appeared, and he stroked your cheek with the side of his finger. "The whole point is the romance part to the movie. I'm the bad guy," he added, chuckling under his breath.

"Perhaps, but that does not stop the part of me that loves you from desiring your affection," was your unexpectedly blunt response. Brushing a large chunk of the brunette wig from your face, the male could see the violet blush start to form.

It was as if something clicked into place. A forgotten piece to a puzzle thought to have been completed long ago. Slowly taking your hands, your creator's voice fell soft and low, leaning down to speak into your ear directly. "When we return, there is something you and I need to discuss."

Another one of those lovely sparks shot down your spine, and your eyes closed, focused on the words spoken so carefully. "Y-yes, Elijah," you murmured. There was just enough of an unsteady break to your reply to send his stomach flying.

"Hey, hothead, you finished with her or what?" Grinning wide, the younger sibling stood nearby, watching the two of you knowingly. "Dude, you hungry? I found the food."

Having to force himself to return to the present, Elijah shook his head to clear it before nodding. "Um, yes. Yeah, I haven't eaten anything all day," he admitted, purposely ignoring your stare.

"Awesome. Come here, Meg," Gav added, coming close before sweeping you off your feet. You returned his smile, though as you were carried away, you only had eyes for the taller human walking beside you.


The best parts of the evening were the kids. Not only were their costumes adorable, running around amidst the adults and lost in their fantasy worlds, but most of them were well acquainted with Disney.

Needless to say, Hades was extremely popular. All he had to do was stand with a vague smirk, hands pressed together by the fingertips, and the kids ate it right up. You were always nearby to change the colors in his wig if the moment called for a little false anger.

However, the natural humor between the siblings drew in more than just the kids. Elijah quickly realized that a hand on Gavin's forehead to keep him at bay was more entertaining than anything else.

Some time passed after the pair had gotten some form of sustenance before someone had the bright idea to ask why you hadn't kissed the hero. Hidden beneath the hair, your indicator flashed red, uncertain on how to go about this.

[Gavin is not...]

"That's cause she isn't ready, buddy," the hero in question answered, kneeling down to speak to the kid. "Trust me, I love Meg with all my heart, but, y'know..." He jerked his head towards his brother, the fake fire flashing red with appropriate timing. "You don't wanna make him mad." When the kid just blew a raspberry at Eli before running away, Gavin chuckled.

Tangible (Yandere Elijah Kamski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now