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"Dude, where the hell have you two been?" Gavin's rough tones greeted the two of you nearly as soon as the front door was opened. Hands on his hips, he frowned just a touch at his sibling, though it was short-lived.

"I'm sorry, he insisted on waiting inside," came Chloé's soft explanation. She came behind you, assisting you out of the autumn jacket that Eli had gotten for you some time ago. "Was the transfer successful, Miss Vi?"

With a smile you nodded. "Yes, Miss Chloé, thank you." A hand cupped your cheek in a maternal gesture before the RT600 went to put your coat away, taking the creator's as well.

"All right, Gav, what's so important that you beat us home for?" Elijah chuckled, hands pressed together by the fingertips and silently wondering how long it would take his brother to--

"It's Connor," Gavin burst out. His lovely pale eyes were wide. "CyberLife sent Connor to the precinct as a detective, he's supposed to be helping Hank figure out the deviant thing and put a stop to it." Reaching out, he grabbed the taller male's collar almost desperately, shaking him a bit. "He remembers me. He remembers fucking everything! They never cleared out his memory files or whatever. I..." Wincing, he ran his hands through his short hair as he stepped back again. "I c... I can't do shit in front of anyone. I fucking dug my grave here, man; it's so goddamn hard acting like I hate him when I hear him talking the same way he did years back..."

To his credit, Eli said nothing until he knew the other human had gotten most of the rant out of his system. "So they finally used Connor's voice. Interesting development..."

"Is that all you have to fucking say?!"

"I don't understand why you're freaking out, to be honest." Slowly the creator began to pace around his brother, hands still together in that peculiar manner. "If Connor still has his memory files, as you said, he remembers you. Both of us. Then surely he understands why you act the way you do."

Frustrated, Gav still nodded. "He... said he understood. Y-yeah."

"Then why are you so unsettled?"

Apparently, that hadn't actually come up as of yet because the younger male had no response. Instead, you approached, laying a gentle hand on Gavin's shoulder and causing him to turn, managing a smile. "Gavin. It's all right. Connor is kind; he will not resent you for wanting to protect Elijah." His confusion lay thick in his features, and you offered a smile of your own. "Connor is my mentor in my Garden. Recently I have discovered that he had been given a model number after so long, so I believe that he and the physical android may be partially connected." Reaching to take the human's face, you pinched his cheeks a bit, letting him chuckle before you added, "Your unsettled feelings will ease soon. Once you accept the truth, that is."

"Vi, what the fuck are you telling me?"

"You are attracted to him, Gavin."

"UHHHHHHHHHHHH THE FUCK I AM." Alarmed, he backed away from you, wanting to say more before something entirely different derailed his train of thought. "... are those real?!"

"Really?" Immediately your view was blocked as Eli stood between you and his brother. "Don't stare at her chest, Gav. I took her to get an upgraded body, but that doesn't give you any right to gawk."

"Man, fuck off. Are you gonna start this shit again? I'm not fucking attracted to h--......." It was like a light had come on over his head. At least partially. A hand went to his forehead, slowly turning away. "... holy shit."

Snorting, your creator gently walked the other male to the door, murmuring something about taking some time to himself with the sudden revelation. Once the front door was shut, those azure eyes met yours again. "Well, at least he's figured himself out," Elijah remarked. "Happy for him, better late than never, I g--... you knew the whole time, didn't you?"

"Yes, Elijah," you answered. "I figured it out years ago. He considers me beautiful, but his pulse only quickens around a male he's attracted to."

You were pulled into the human's arms and held close, a kiss pressed to the top of your head. "Well... if he really ends up having a thing for my very first assistant..." Lowering his head, he began to laugh. "Then that means I developed partners for both of us and I don't know how to feel about that."

"Proud, I imagine. You know what you both are attracted to, intentional or not."

Head still down, his warm breath drifted down your neck as Eli shifted, wanting to murmur into your ear. "... I'm sorry that it's taken me this long to upgrade you, Vi. I should have done it years ago."

LED yellow, a smile curved your lips as you pulled away enough to meet his gaze when he looked up. "I have an idea. We still have time before night takes over the sky, and you have not yet eaten." Elijah tipped his head a little. "Perhaps now you can show me the true benefits of having a sense of touch. Show me again how the city comes alive in the night, Elijah. We can return to the top of the Stratford Tower, and... now I can experience everything you have to show me."

God... damn...

[ 01010101 01010011 ]

"May I assist you, Miss Vi...?" From the doorway of your room, Chloé stood with her hands politely behind her back. "Based on your pacing, you are attempting to make decisions on your attire for the evening. Are you going out with Elijah?"

Without envy driving her deviance, the RT600 had become something closer to a motherly figure. You held a hand out, and the blonde was happy to enter and accept the offering. "Yes, please assist me. I suggested a date, I suppose. In the same place I confessed my love to him after so long."

Her attention turned to your closet. Why you had a wardrobe, you did not know, but your creator insisted that you have options. After six seconds Chloé reached and pulled out a dress you had not seen before... which caused your indicator to flash yellow. "I hope you do not mind," she spoke quietly, the smile sheepish. "I... requested some materials several months ago, and I was very careful with your measurements and preferences."

The dress was in the exact shade as your eyes, made of a fabric that seemed more like liquid than anything solid. "... you created this for me...?"

"I did, and I would be honored if you wore it tonight," the blonde replied. There was a faint dusting of pink across her cheeks. "It is not overly tight or revealing, it will be appropriate to wear on a date should Elijah wear something a bit more formal, and... I know that... you enjoy certain styles, s-so..."

[What is this]

Over the course of ten minutes, you were helped into the dress; the corset lacing was more for Eli, so that was why Chloé was there to assist in the first place. With a black wrap around your shoulders, the RT600 eased you in front of the mirror, practically beaming. "It suits you well, Miss Vi."

"Chloé, this is crafted incredibly well. I... I cannot thank you enough," you admitted, turning to face her again.

When you were pulled into a hug, it was promptly returned, settling into her arms. "You may thank me by enjoying your evening. Seeing you happy is a reminder that I am fulfilling my directive." Pulling back, your cheeks were pinched as she smiled. "Now go, and please tell me everything that happens tomorrow."

"... not when we return?"

"I do not expect to see you until tomorrow morning, as the probability that you will be spending the night in Elijah's bedroom is 100%."

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