Killian chuckled. "I wonder where this is going."

Rara swallowed holding his gaze.

Killian casually untied the apron loosely draped around his waist, nonchalantly throwing it over his shoulder. The glint in his eyes was unmistakable as a mischievous amusement danced within them. Leaning against the dining table, he exuded an air of danger, his every movement seem threatening. Rara, unable to resist the intensity of his scrutinizing gaze, felt a shiver run down her spine, entranced by his mesmerizing presence.

His body fully revealed, the contours of his physique seemed to be etched into his ruggedly handsome form. His meticulously chiseled muscles, now completely bare, appeared more defined than ever. With only a snug pair of boxer shorts adorning his lower half.

"You better don't try to act smart, Rara. I'd know if you do something you shouldn't. And believe me when I say I'd punish the shit out of you—cause I fucking will enjoy every second of it." He whispered into thin air.

Rara took a deep breath as she hesitated to speak. "...what more do I have left to fight for... all I'm asking for is some medicine," she said cautiously. "It helps with the pain." It wasn't entirely a lie. Her period cramps were worse, and more painful. Medicine always work for her. Also, she couldn't risk getting pregnant with their babies. The way they were brutally taking her constantly, she was afraid if they already planted their seeds in her.

Killian eyed her curiously. "...I'll call the doctor for you..." Rara felt her heart stop in her chest.

"I-I'd appreciate that." She licked her lips, avoiding their gazes as she picked up the fork. Her fingers were shaking as the fork trembled in her fingers. She closed her eyes shut, trying to calm herself but that only intensified her panic.

Alexei noticed her, his brows knitting as he grabbed her by the arm and cupped her face. "Are you alright, любовь?" Alexei asked concerned. Ralph's brows also narrowed noticing how she shook violently like a leaf.

"She gets scared easily. I was just kidding." Killian complained watching as Alexei took her in his arms and settled her on his lap. Rara couldn't have control over her body, all the exhaustion of this past week rushing to her. Alexei gently rocked her in his lap, rubbing her back soothingly. Rara was astonished in the gentleness of his touches. The man who was responsible for her panic, was the one comforting her.

"Should I call the doctor? She doesn't look too good." Killian muttered as his pale eyes narrowed with startling concern, all the amusement leaving his body as he swiftly grabbed his phone and punched in the numbers.

Ralph sat there, his face remained devoid of any expression, a clear indication of the intense emotions he was grappling with. It was as if a tidal wave of memories from his past had suddenly crashed down upon him, overwhelming his senses and transporting him back in time. The scene in front of him seemed to seamlessly transform into the very familiar surroundings of his childhood home, as if he had been horrifiedly transported back to that specific moment in his life.

He couldn't help but see Rara's frame gradually being replaced by the image of his mother. The resemblance between the two women was striking, and it only served to further intensify the flood of emotions coursing through Ralph's veins. The fear he felt, the raw terror that had haunted his early years, flooded his being once again, as if he was reliving those painful moments all over again.

It was a vivid and vividly unsettling flashback that seemed to have been triggered by the current situation that unfolded before him. Every detail of that childhood home, from the worn-out furniture to the peeling wallpaper, rushed back into his consciousness with remarkable clarity. The same creaking floorboards, the same flickering lightbulbs, all seemed to be alive again, pulsating with the same eerie atmosphere that had gripped him during those trying times.

The pain he had endured during his childhood, the anguish that no child should ever have to endure, resurfaced as if etched permanently into his memory. It was as if his psyche couldn't escape the clutches of his past, no matter how much time had passed. The weight of that fear, that pain, seemed to bear down upon him with an overwhelming force, threatening to suffocate him in the present moment.

Ralph immediately pushed back his chair and strode out. "I need some air." Alexei's jaw clenched as he nodded regardless. Killian's mad barks resonated in the room. Rara felt her eyes getting heavy. The aches in her body were unbearable.

"JUST FUCKING COME IN 10 MINUTES!" He growled hanging up.

"You know this mansion is thirty minutes drive from the city. There's no way he'd be here in ten fucking minutes." Alexei gently cradled Rara against his chest and gently picked her up. She let him carry her, her limbs too sore to even protest. Her whole body was burning in fever. Her arms instinctively wrapped around Alexei's neck as she breathed shakily through her mouth. He looked down at her carrying her to his room as Killian stumped behind them. "Stay with me, любовь. Don't close your eyes."

Alexei's strangely gentle voice fell upon her ears before Rara weakly nodded.

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