96. *Her Choice*

Começar do início

"Let me go." Maya said in a low voice, looking at anywhere but him.

"I've missed you." Massimo then said out of nowhere.

Maya could feel his eyes on the side of her face. But she kept looking forward and didn't turn her head to look at him. How could he say it like that?! He missed me?! As if...

"I know you don't believe me amore." Maya sighed. She didn't correct the use of nickname this time. "And I don't blame you." He said. "Afterall you believe I broke your heart."

This time Maya turned her head sideways to look at him. "Believe?" She asked letting out a humourless chuckle. "You did broke my heart Massimo."

Maya looked away from him again, she could feel tears brimming at the corner of her eyes. Her mind went back to that day, the day she had witnessed the ultimate betrayal from the man she had fallen in love with.

"I know what you're thinking." Massimo exclaimed. He knew that she was probably thinking back to the day when he had faked it all, so that he could protect Maya from his dangerous world.

"Ofcourse you do." Maya said back.

"But you don't know what's real and what's not." Massimo palmed her cheek and made her to look at him. Maya so wanted to argue with him, but she just let him hold her face like that.
Well, it looked like her pregnant hoe of a body did finally win.

Massimo saw the tears that were about to spill from her eyes. He didn't like seeing her so vulnerable like that.

"I never cheated on you amore." And so he spilled the truth.

Maya looked at him for a while, obviously not believing him. She shook her head slightly, "You don't have to lie to me. I-I said I don't have a problem with -" But he cut her off. "I'm not lying Maya." She was about to argue back when he said, "I swear on my mama." That made Maya to stop whatever she was about to say.

Maya knew Massimo would never, he could never swear a lie on her mother. She kept looking at him, not knowing what to say after that.

Massimo could finally take a breath of relief. Maya finally knew he hadn't cheated on her, hadn't broke her heart. But the look she was giving him right now was enough to tell him that things weren't fully solved yet.

Maya didn't know what to think of this. Should she be happy that Massimo didn't break her heart, didn't cheat on her or should she worry about the fact that Massimo was probably never going to tell her the truth? He wouldn't have confessed to her, would've just let her believe for the rest of her life that the man she had fallen in love with had betrayed her.

"Why?" So she asked the obvious question.

Massimo knew she'd ask him that, "To protect you." So he simply replied.

"How's breaking my heart is equal to protecting me?" She couldn't understand his logic right now.

"You've to understand Maya. I was scared." Yes, he was very much scared of just the mere thought of something happening to her.

"Scared? Of what?" She asked.

Massimo gulped inaudibly. Involuntarily his grip around her that had losen a bit got tight again. "Of losing you." He looked at her with pained eyes. "I was scared of losing you to my dangerous world."

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora