Chapter: 138.)

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"Honestly bro, i just wish you would stop tripping out on me, I'm really not trying to be on that type timing with you right now" Zayden said Stern, but softly.

"Inviting your mom should have been something we both talked about, she will not ruin today for us because she doesn't know how to act like a decent human being for once" Peyton scolded.

"Bro" Zayden had let out a deep breath . "Chill, relax. take a deep breath. At the end of the day that's still the women who birthed me, I explained to her if she's on any of that bullshit she could just stay where she's at"

"When do that lady ever listen to you Zayden Luther?" She questioned, angrily. Folding her arms giving him the death stare.

Zayden just shook his head because she only use his full name when she's mad, they was just one hour away from their gender reveal. A couple months have passed, bring us into October. Surprisingly as the months went by, everything has been good, besides minor hick ups but that's normal right?

Peyton was 31 weeks, when she went to the doctor to confirm her pregnancy, she was further along than she expected to be, so to them this pregnancy has been flying by fast. Her due date was December 4th. Her little sagittarius baby.

" The full name? Is that even necessary. I'm not trying to go to this reveal mad at each other, like if you want me to text her don't come i will, whatever makes you happy Peyton"

"I just wish you would of said something first, so I could of at least gave my family a heads up"

" Can't you see that she's changing? These past couple months have she given us any problems?" Zayden asked her.

"Yes people do change Zayden, but people like her DON'T change Zay maybe just for the moment. But like you're just looking past all the messed up things she did to you and Halo."

" I don't hold grudges, I'm not about to let the shit she did to me, affect me or my sister. Less than 3 months away from having my own child I can't dwell on the past. "

" and if you want to continue this conversation when can... after the reveal. " He added before walking away, going downstairs, Peyton smacked her lips and she continued to get ready.

"Fix your face" Fatima said, as Zayden walked in the kitchen. She knew by his face expression something was wrong.

"Peyton upset with me because I invited my mom, I didn't think it will be such a big of a deal" Zayden confessed.

"You probably didn't communicate with her about you inviting her son" Zac said walking in the kitchen as well. "That's my problem sometimes, I don't be communicating well, or sometimes I just be thinking I'm doing the right thing but turns out I be doing the wrong fucking thing" He schooled.

Fatima had nodded her head in agreement with her husband because he was right.

"Just go apologize baby, let her know you had good intentions. Today is all about y'all, don't let Heather be the reason of all this negativity" Fatima said.

Zayden took mental note, and headed back upstairs.

Zac had licked his lips, admiring Fatima whole body "You look tf good" He said sweetly "If we didn't have somewhere to be, that dress will be off, and you will be on all fours"

Fatima had chuckled "You just always gotta be nasty" she said.

Zayden and Peyton agreed on everybody to wear white, so Fatima wore a white Cami Body-con dress, that had her body looking snatched.

Peyton had on a similar dress but it was just long sleeve, while Zac wore a white polo shirt that he paired with some black dress pants.

The girls had on a white skirt with ruffles, and a white crop top, Zyla's shirt was long sleeved while Zaria's was short sleeved. Zayden and Zakai wore a white burberry shirt, with some Amiri jeans.  Halo wore a fluffy white dress.

The Sequel - WLL OR WLEOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant