- Chapter- Eighty - Eight -

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7:00 a.m. came about Kai was in his room, Amp came to the hospital a couple hours ago, him and Andi are watching Kai while Fatima and Zac go home for a little bit.

Zac, Andi , and Amp had to practically force Fatima to leave the hospital, she didn't want to leave his side, but she started thinking about her other three, so her and Zac are driving home now.

Zac: - Grabbing Fatima's hand - I know when you get quiet, you start beating yourself up in the inside, he's going to be okay babe.

Fatima: -  staring out window- Approximately babe children under 5 with RSV, It typically leads up to 58,000 hospitalizations and up to 500 deaths in a year. I look it up. What if were are not so lucky?.  - Tears escaping.-

Zac: Come on now Fatima, why would you even look that up, our son is going to be fine, in no time he's going to be running around the house rapping, sneaking popsicles, begging us to sleep in our room with us. You don't never believe shit google say THEY BE LYING!

Fatima: - Light chuckles, wiping her tears- My baby do love him some popsicles. I don't know babe, I just get overly emotional when it's comes to something bad happening to you or our children, I don't like this feeling.

Zac: I feel the same way babe, and we gone get through this together, okay?

Fatima: - Takes a deep breath- I know we are.

It was no lie that Zac was scared too, but he wanted to keep his feelings to a minimum, so that Fatima could lean on him, last night during 4 a.m. Kai had trouble breathing on his own so they had to put him on the ventilator. Watching your kid who's always so full of life, just lay lifeless hit hard for all of them.

Zac and Fatima got home and went into the house, when they got upstairs The girls and Zayden was sleep in their bed, Zac pulled Fatima in, and they just watched them sleep for a couple minutes.

Fatima broke out of the hug and laid in bed with the kiddos, before you know they was all cuddle up under her, and Fatima just melted that's what she needed.

Zac went in the bathroom and ran Fatima a bath, and started packing their bags for the hospital since they was gone be in there for a couple days.

Fatima got up and got in the bath, Zac went in Kai's room to get him some things as well. Lori texted Zac asking if everything was okay, Zac told Lori to come over. 5 minutes later Zac came downstairs and Lori was walking in.

Zac: - Hugging Lori - Yo sis, I'm just get straight to the point, Nathan on some cornball shit, looking for revenge so just make sure you're aware of your surroundings. And we had to take Kai to the hospital last night.

Lori: What the hell you mean Kai had to go to the hospital last night, is he okay?

Zac: He got RSVP and Pneumonia.

Lori: It's RSV you jackass, and what the hell, my baby!! So he's still at the hospital? How the fuck does this happen?

Zac: Yeah Andi and Amp there with him right now, T going through her phase, and Doc said he got it from one of the kids at church so just make sure Noory is good.

Lori: She shutting everyone out?

Zac: Yeah, she's in the tub right now, before I came down here she was crying. - Rubbing his head-

Lori: - Getting emotional- She loves them kids bad, so whenever they are hurting, she's hurting bad. How you feeling?

Zac: I'm just trying to be the tape that holds the ship together, everything just happening at once. We can just never seem to catch a fucking break.

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