- Chapter Fifteen -

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After breakfast, Robin and Lori went their own way. Zac went to the office and Fatima went to the Law Firm to see Andi.

Fatima: Bitches been MIA! Fuck going on Andi!

Andi: Girl I just seen you on Sunday, you miss me friend?

Fatima: Yes I miss you! You missed your godson first day of kindergarten! Wassup with that?

Andi: Monday was a rough day, the partners was here, but did you get the stuff I sent him?

Fatima: No I haven't check the mailbox yet, I will when I get home.

Andi: How was their first day? I'm getting them this weekend!

Fatima: GOOD THEM MOFOS GOTTA GO! But Yesterday they got into a fight with your girl son !

Andi: My girl ?? What is you talking about fatima?

Fatima: Karen's son.

Andi: What? Karen son and Twins and Kai all go to the same school?

Fatima: Yes it didn't click to me when Zaria was saying Kameron, then we go to the school today for a meeting and Aaron ass popped up.

Andi: Wait so what happened?

Fatima: Kameron was messing with Zar on Monday, we left it alone and you know how we is about Zar, then yesterday the little nigga pushed her scrapped her legs and all, the fucking teachers didn't even take her to the nurse or nothing she just sat in the office until Zac and Lori got there.

Andi: So you went in there today and show your ass huh T? (Laughing) is Zar Zar okay? My poor baby

Fatima: She's good! They talking about they suspended for 3 days, guess where they asses is right now? That damn school, then I told your niece to apologize to the teacher this little girl got the nerve to say "I'm not sorry for what I said, I'm sorry for how I said it"

Andi: Zyla is my baby! She gone tell you how it is and don't gave no fucks just like her momma! Sometimes I feel like I'm watching you but in a 6 year old body! Cause Zyla is you all the way T (laughing)

Fatima: Everyday I'm just like damn I'm in trouble, Zyla don't take nobody shits, I'm glad Zaria is the complete opposite but I want my baby to be able to stand up for herself, like her sister , brothers and cousin ain't gone always be around.

Andi: Zaria is laid back, but she knows her limit. She may be quiet but if she not messing with something one thing she gone so is get her sister or brothers

Fatima: But what if they can save her? Then what?

Andi: We if we put her in karate, instead of gymnastics she don't even like gymnastics.

Fatima: Marilyn ass said the same thing!

Andi: I think we should, but that's completely up to you and Zac!

Fatima: I'm gone talk to Zac about it tonight.

Andi: You off today?

Fatima: Yeah I took a personal day.

Andi: Thank you for coming see me, you lighten the mood up.

Fatima: Everything good? You okay?

Andi: We just been extremely busy, but you coming to see me today made the day brighter!

Fatima: You know I had to come see my girl! Come over for dinner tonight, you and Amp..

Andi: I will be their friend!

Fatima: You better!

Fatima got up and hugged Andi and left out her office, when she walked to the front Hayden was standing right there blocking the front entrance door

Fatima: I really hate seeing your ugly ass, fuck out the way nigga!

Hayden: That's how you feel?

Fatima: Yeah that's how I feel nigga! Now MOVE

Hayden: How your boy doing? I did heard your boy got smoke

Fatima: Nigga if you don't wanna get smoke next I'll advise you to watch what you about to say next, don't fucking play with Hayden I will ruin you nigga!

Hayden: Fatima please, you can't ruin me!

(Lori and Robin walked in)

Lori: Why your munchkin looking ass blocking the door! Fuck out the way, you see she's leaving don't get fuck up now!

Fatima: In time of need, your ass is always right there.. (laughing) it's giving "my security!"

Lori: I mean you don't need it, but like you always say 2 is better than 1 right (laughing)

Robin: You good T, this nigga ain't fucking with you?

Fatima: I'm good bro! He knows better! Let me get out of here cause I don't wanna have to catch a case over some small dick ass nigga! Get your balls up bitch!

Lori: Well she told you! See you at home love!

Fatima: See y'all later loves!!

Hayden moved out the way and Fatima left. Fatima went to target to get some groceries for tonight, her and Zac was cooking dinner for the family, and invited everyone over, it's been a while since everyone got together.

Madam and Rafael finally got they shit together, they been together for three years now, and last month they welcomed a baby girl, Milani Ray,

Madam having a baby was a complete shock to everyone , but everybody was so happy for them, madam was still crazy as hell, wasn't no baby taken no gangster outta her.

Milani had a army behind her, Tommy and blue spend most of their time fighting over her, Tommy be trying to feed lani cookies, Madam didn't find it funny but everyone else did.

Jake and Jasmine, had Journey. Journey was 4 months younger than Kai.

Zac and Fatima was the house everybody wanted to come over, Renee and Marko, moved and  purchased a home from Zac 5 months ago, Milo was 14, Mario was 11 and Maddison was 8. Renee and Marko put them in private school, so that's why they don't attend the same school as the others.

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