Chapter - 101.)

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Lori: I don't know what that bitch think I could magically do to get Nathan to reach out to her, He don't even communicate with Noor and Nasir. Why would I reach out to help her, and he can't even do for the first 2? - Siping her drink - She's a dumb bitch for even laying up with him, and that's exactly what her ass get!

Fatima: - Chuckling - I told her the same thing Lor, she don't listen. And this why she always end up in some shit, cause she be fucking around.

Lori: I was instagram, I seen Nathan's older son was out on the beach with Nathan's parent, so you know I commented. "Like oh just forget about my two" you know behind every deadbeat ass daddy, it's always a deadbeat ass grandmother!

Fatima: That's Bible!

Lori: Nathan's mom like "Oh I told Nathan to tell you about it" BITCH I HAVEN'T TALKED THAT NIGGA IN MONTHS! You're their grandmother why couldn't her ass reach out to me? I don't like that phony shit, especially when it's comes to my kids. Don't play with me about them.

Fatima: She knows her son is fucking deadbeat I don't even know why she even made up that lie like that! It's baffles me how a nigga could take care of one child but not the others ..

Lori: That's why Heathers a dumb bitch, cause why get pregnant by him, then ask me can I reach out to him, knowing he don't do shit for our kids.

Zac: - Walking into the back, kissing Fatima - Baby, wassup, wassup Lor? What y'all back here chatting about?

Fatima: Hey baby!!! - She got up, and let Zac sit down, and Fatima sat on Zac's lap -

Lori: - Rolling her eyes - Can y'all too stop that corny shit! - laughing - Okay we get it y'all's in love!

Zac: - Laughing - Stop all that hating shit sis, you be the same way with Robin!

Lori: ANYWAYS - snapping her neck - Your baby mother, is now pregnant by my deadbeat ass baby father.. what are the odds!

Zac: Heather ass is pregnant by Nathan? Is that what you saying?

Lori: Yes nigga!

Zac: That's why her ass been blowing my phone up, I asked her did it have anything to do with "Zayden" she said no.. I told her ass then we have nothing to talk about, but her grimey ass just wanted to tell me she's pregnant.. what the fuck can I do about it?

Fatima: Exactly, her ass is need to go to his parents not fucking us.. we don't even fuck with that nigga!

Lori: - Looking dead at Zac - Bro what was you thinking, when you was like "like me smash this bitch " huh?

Fatima: - Chuckling, rolling her eyes - That's the problem, his ass wasn't thinking , when he was hunching on her ass!

Zac: I definitely wasn't, a nigga was black out drunk .. I don't even know how it happened bro!

Fatima: Just a fucking shame!

Zac: Chill I was going through some shit, don't even start Fatima!

Lori: Had be some deep shit, to fuck on somebody like that, trust me I'm not innocent either bro.

Fatima: Shit we know that, and I'm glad you being honest, cause we like to forget - chuckling -

Lori: T sit this conversation out my love!

Zac: Yeah cause knowing her "I never fuck with bums, I'll be on yacht right now with a billionaire" bone head ass - laughing -

Lori: She's letting you know what one won't do, the NEXT WILL!

Fatima: And that's on period.. but I don't have to worry about that, I got the man I want and I ain't never ever coming up off him!

Zac: - Kissing Fatima's hand - Lori you need to go home sis, I'm trying to beat on something - laughing -

Lori: - Shaking her head - Wow just keep me out, and my man ain't even home yet!

Zac: Listen we kids free and I'm trying to use my time wisely! Before them things get back in here.

Lori: - Getting up - I hope soon as y'all make it upstairs, the kids come running in!

Fatima: - Laughing - Now why you got to be such a damn hater Lor!

Zac: Hater ass Lori, that's finna be your new name!

Lori: Bye mfs, see y'all later!

Fatima, Zac, and Lori said their goodbyes and Lori went on her way, Zac locked up and Fatima told him she'll meet him upstairs, after like 5 minutes Zac was upstairs!

"you know tensions been high, emotions been all over the place these past couple days , how you want me to make love to your body" Zac said with a smirk removing his chain..

"That right there just did something to me" Fatima said biting her lip, you just always know how to please me"

"I know my woman, with the kids, and you taking care of me, and everything with Andi, I know you need to release some tension" Zac said walking over to Fatima, placing his hands on her waist. Turn around, Zac said.

Fatima turned around, and Zac zipped her dress down, kissing on her neck, and all down her back. "I love you" Fatima let out softy. I love your more Mrs. Taylor" Fatima turned around, and came out her dress, Zac lifted Fatima up, laying her on the bed. Just leaving her with her panties and bra on.

Zac took the time to kiss all over Fatima body, one thing about Fatima she gone fold each and every time. Zac took the time to make love to his woman, Fatima returned the same energy.. luckily nobody was home, cause they was going ham.

A couple hours had passed, Zac and Fatima was out like a light, over to Carmen's POV, The kids been with Carmen all day, their last stop before home was target.

Carmen: One toy, then I have to get y'all home because it's getting late!

Zyla: - Whining - Only one toy Ms. Carmen, why can't we get 2 toys!

Zayden: Zy remembers she didn't have to take us here .. pick a toy and come on

Zaria: - Pointing at a Barbie doll house - Can I get this Ms. C please?

Carmen: - Bends and look at the price, thinking in her head - 200 and fucking 50 dollar! Oh hell no! Um Zar how about we chose something that is not $250?

Zyla: Don't tell me you're broke Ms. Carmen!

Zayden: She's not our parent Zy, she's our nanny she doesn't have to spend that much money on us so get something for 10$ brat!

Lamont: - Walking over - I'll get it, get whatever y'all want it's on me today!

Zayden: - Looking at Lamont weird, he knew him from somewhere but couldn't remember- It's okay bro, my dad will get it.

Carmen: Thank you but we are good!

Lamont: What I can't be a Good Samaritan, and buy some toys?

Carmen: No, I said thank you we appreciate that, but you don't have to buy anything for them! Zyla, Zaria , and Kai hurry up and pick a toy please!

Zayden: - Looking at Lamont - You just gone stand there sir?

Lamont: Just making sure this young lady is good little bro!

Carmen: Trust me I am good!

Lamont was just staring at Carmen weird for like 20 seconds, she was getting weird out!

Carmen: - Mean mug - Is there a reason you looking at me like that?

Lamont: You look pretty young to have 4 kids!

Carmen: You're making me real uncomfortable, can you please just go away, seriously you need to move around.

Lamont: - Smiling, walking away -

Zayden: You know you can't go to your car CarCar, he might follow you, my dad and mom taught me about that, we have to get security, unless you got protection?

Carmen: I know Zay, I know. Listen how about we leave and I'll get the toys y'all want for y'all tomorrow while y'all at school, okay?

All the kids said "Okay Ms. Carmen" unison. Zayden picked Zaria up and Carmen grabbed Kai and Zyla head and proceeded to leave, Carmen could just feel Lamont was following them.

Kai: - Looking back - That's scary man is following us Ms. Carmen!

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