- Chapter Eleven -

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Lori was waiting outside for Zac to pull up, Zac pulled up 2 minutes later.

Zac: What the fuck happen? I didn't hear shit you said but to hurry and get here.

Lori: The principal called and said some little boy pushed Zaria, and your damn kids and goddaughter thought it was a bright idea to jump the little nigga.

Zac: Who the fuck is this nigga, fuck he keep bothering my daughter for, If this the same little dude from yesterday we gone have major problems Lor.

Lori: It better not be, did you call Fatima?

Zac: Evan said she's stuck in meetings and all that other shit, it's cool I'll handle it.

Lori: Here goes nothing.

Zac and Lori walks into the school and head to the office, when they got in there Kai Kai and Zaria was sitting in the seats in the hallway. When they seen Zac, they got up and hugged their day. 

Zac: Y'all good? Zaria you okay mamas? Let me see (he looked at her knees) okay before I lost my damn temper in this place with all these damn kids, why the fuck is my daughter just sitting in this office, and not the nurse office ? She got blood all over her fuc- her clothes.

Ms. Bishop: We didn't have time to get her there, with other children fighting.

Lori: Okay but you had time now and she's still sitting there with blood dripping down her leg what's the excuse now?

Kai: She was to busy yelling at us

Zac: Kai watch it, because you shouldn't have been fighting!

Kai: But daddy that little dummy pushed her first for no reason at all

Zaria: Yes daddy and I told him to leave me alone and he wouldn't and and I told Ms. Tammy he kept bothering me she told me to ignore him

Zac: Where is Ms. Tammy at, and where is Zyla and Royal?

Kai: she separates us because she said we was doing to much and we wasn't

Ms. Bishop: I'm sorry, yes they had to get separate, it's only the second day of school and they're in her causing problems, and your daughter always have something smart to say back, so yes I did my job and separated them.

Lori: Always have something smart to say? You sure you wasn't getting smart with them? I know my niece and she ain't getting smart with nobody unless they are with her, she may be 6 but she's aware.

Zac: Who is this little boy? Because like you said it's the second day of school, and he's already causing problems, if my daughter said something yesterday about that little and today, y'all still didn't say nothing to him? Come now, y'all supposed to be protecting them, but yet letting little dude get away with bullying and all about my 4 that go here, I'm not with that!

Ms. Bishop: Well we was hoping to have have conversations with him and his parent.

Zac: Good! Now go get the nurse or someone for my daughter knee and bring Zyla and Royal to me.

Ms. Bishop: I'm sorry are you Royals dad?

Zac: Why does that matter?

Ms. Bishop: I can't just let her go with someone random.

Zac: Why would I be somebody random and I'm on her emergency contact wtf, are you new here? Cause you started to piss me off.

Lori: She gotta be new, cause the way I'm feeling it ain't about to be good, please go get my daughter and my niece, THANK YOU!

Ms. bishop walked away, the called the nurse to the office with some bacteria wipes and bandages for Zaria knee.

Zac: This school on some fuck shit!

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