- Chapter- Eighty -

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Fatima: - Walking into Heather's house - Here we go, we got dumb, dumber , and stupid here. Really Heather? Sleeping with this nigga? A nigga who can't even do shit for you. I mean seriously you that desperate?

Heather: Why everyone so pressed about me being with him?

Biggie: - mumbles- Minding everyone else's relationship but yours.

Fatima: - Sharp eyes at biggie - What you say bitch? That's your problem always mumbling some shit but could never speak up, but when it's my husband you got that big ass mouth.

Nathan: Yo get this broad out of here Heather!

Fatima: Nigga don't make me slap the shit out of you, and embarrass you in front of your girl.

Nathan: Woman please..

Fatima: Back to you Heather, then you letting him get away with talking to Zayden like that, that's what we on?.. I'm not even going to do the back and fourth with you, until you get back focus and stop being so damn blind to the bullshit, Zay with us full time. I'm not playing these games with you. Stop acting like you don't have no responsibility Heather, running around with these no good ass people.

Heather: Fatima it's not even like that, and I'm already getting Zay on the weekends now you talking about, he's staying with y'all full time, no I'm not with it.

Biggie: That's ain't your son Fatima. Can't just be demanding shit.

Fatima: Angela's shut your fucking ass up, ain't nobody there for that boy more than me, like I said I'm in control and I know what's best for OUR SON, don't make me come back here. If you want to see him you can come by the house. YOU NOT ABOUT TO FUCK UP HIS MENTAL CAUSE YOU WANT TO BE OBVIOUS!

Heather: Really? So we going there now.

Fatima: You half ass stepping when it comes to him Heather, so yes we going there now. You let this goofy ass bitch make shit up, and after he told you he don't like being around her you still have her around, now you sleeping with a nigga WHO ALSO HALF ASS STEPS WHEN IT COMES TO HIS KIDS, THIS NIGGA DON'T HAVE SHIT GOING FOR HIS SELF AND YOU WANNA BE LAID UP WITH THIS NIGGA! I'm starting to question your motives Heather.

Heather: If you think we here about you and Zac we not, just because I'm here with them doesn't mean I'm being sneaky Fatima.

Fatima: Heather do you fucking hear yourself? You rock with who you wanna rock with love, it's the simply fact these mfs don't give a shit about you, or Zayden for that matter, but you wanna be buddy, buddy with them.

Biggie: We do ca-

Fatima: - Cuts biggie off - Aht! I'm not talking to you bitch mind you business please, and thank you. - Looks at Heather - Are we clear Heather?

Heather: Yes Fatima..

Fatima: - leaves and go to her car -

Biggie: You really gone let her come up in her and demand shit with Zayden, Heather what is you doing?

Nathan: Homegirl be tripping

Heather: What's the real reason y'all here?

Biggie: What you mean what's the real reason we here, you know the reason why Heather.

Heather: Angela I'm not playing with y'all, I told you, and I told you leave them people alone. I mean really what the fuck did my baby daddy and Fatima do to y'all?

Biggie: I hate a bitch who wanna switch up, and act different all of sudden.

Heather: Angela bitch you came here unnoticed, so you can fucking leave, and Nathan I already checked you yesterday about how you was talking to my son. I'm done with y'all, y'all only dragging me into y'all shit because of Zac and Fatima. I don't want no parts y'all can leave.

Nathan: You letting that bitch control your life.

Heather: Control my life cause because she's looking after my kid? Like I told you yesterday you talk to how you wanna talk to your kids, but Zayden Taylor ain't your responsibility. Stop calling woman out their name please got fucking damn.

Nathan: Man Heather is you gone do what I told you to do?

Angela: No her scary ass ain't, come on let's get out of here we can handle this shit ourselves.

Heather: And if something happens to y'all, I'm not showing no sympathy.

Nathan: Man bitch whatever!

Heather: Nigga get the fuck out before I have to get my daddy down here.

Nathan: Call that nigga ain't nobody scared of that old ass nigga

Biggie: Alright watch how you talking about my daddy now. He's not the one!

Nathan: - Sucks teeth - Man whatever.

Back to Fatima.

Fatima: - Pulling up to a light, calling Zac, it rang twice before Zac answered-

Zac: My wife, wassup baby?

Fatima: Hey baby, tell me why I just left your damn babymommas house, and Nathan and Angelas was in there.

Zac: What the fuck Fatima, you gotta be kidding me bro, I'm gone smack Heather real shit.

Fatima: Yup I know they asses is up to something. I told her Zayden staying with us full time she's not about to have sonny loosing his mind because she can't get her shit together.

Zac: They ain't try no shit with you? Cause I'm pissed right now babe what the fuck is Heather problem.

Fatima: I'm good babe, them bitches knew not to try me.

Zac: Oh yeah cause you gangster Fatima - He laughed -

Fatima: Yup and I stay strapped! I wish a mf would.

Zac: Where you at now?

Fatima: I'm about to pull up to the nail salon now babe .

Zac: Alright then babe, I'll be home soon, Jake got some shit to handle with his fam.

Fatima: Okay babe, be safe love you.

Zac: I love you more baby - Phone disconnected -

A couple hours has passed, Zac was back home. Zac and baby Victor was in the back playing Zac was watching him while Gia took a nap.

Zac: - Thinking to himself- Another one wouldn't hurt - smiling-

Baby Victor: "Juice" - He pointed to sippy cup-

Zac: You want juice little man?

Baby Victor : "Yes"

Zac: - picks him up - Let's get you some juice man - tickling him-

Baby Victor: - laughing -

Zac: - smiling- You so silly little dude.

Zac went in the house, and sat baby V on the counter while he poured him some juice in his sippy cup, after Zac grabbed him but the door bell ring.

Zac: - baby voice- Let's go see who's at door, if it's someone I don't like you gone see Unc smack somebody nephew - laughing-

Baby Victor: - laughing-

Zac went to the door, and before he opened it Gia was coming downstairs.

Zac: About time your ass is up, got damn sleeping like you ain't no damn responsibility's.

Gia: I'm sorry dang Z. I was tired.

Zac: I'm just playing. - opens the door -

Zac: - Silent -

Gladys: I need some mon- - Looks at Gia - Gia? Baby girl?

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