- Chapter - Ninety- Three -

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Madam: I don't think you know your husband as much as you say you do Fatima, this nigga standing there like he don't got no damn family, and I can't swim for shit Fatima.

Fatima: - Side Eye Madam - M would you just relax, he's not going to do anything stupid, the water calms him. Something is bothering him, and he's just in deep thoughts right now.

Madam: And deep thoughts could make you want to do some crazy ass shit Fatima, like JUMP! Shit.

Fatima: I can't with you right now. - getting out the car - Not sure if he's up for company when we get back to the house so can you like clear the house out for me?

Madam: You got it T! - turning the car back on, fatima had grabbed her purse and shut the door and Madam pulled off -

Fatima: - Walking slowly into Zac's direction, trying not to startle him - baby? You said you needed me I'm here. - She said in a calm voice -

Zac turned his head into Fatima's direction, that's all he needed to hear and his tears flowed, seeing Fatima made his body feel even more relaxed, fatima was his peace and she didn't even have to do much.

Zac: - Walking over to fatima, throwing his head into her shoulders, in a low crying voice he managed to get out - I'm not okay!

Fatima: - Rubbing his back - And it's okay not to be okay, I'm here with you, whatever it is we gone get through it together.

Fatima just held Zac while he cried, seeing him cry always just makes her cry. She didn't say anything but her being there reassured him a lot.

Fatima: What's bothering you? How can I help you?

Zac: I just seen my father who I haven't seen in 20+ years in target, this nigga got the nerve to say to me "can we just forget the past"

Fatima: What? Are you serious? What the hell.

Zac: Gladys was in there, and Connie ass. Like babe it's like they're trying to make my life miserable, each time I just get reminded how sometimes I just don't think I'm doing a good job being a father or husband I don't know nothing about this shit, I didn't have no one guiding me through this.

Fatima: Zac, you wake up everyday and make sure I'm good, then you make sure our children is good. You provide for us, you are attentive to us. You encourage us, you make me feel like the most important person in the world. Don't let them put that poison in your head. You're a great father, a great husband and you did it alone, we did alone. I didn't know not one thing about becoming a mother but I had you, we had each other and we figured out how to be parents, ALONE. Anybody have to be fool not to want the Zachary Taylor in their life, and it's okay cause I don't want to share you anyways. But don't let what they did to you, make you project on yourself. You're nothing like them, and you will NEVER be anything like them.

Zac: And when times get hard what if you deci-

Fatima: I'm not leaving you Zac, not ever. So get that out your head Zac. We had hard times before right?

Zac: Right babe.

Fatima: And where am I standing at right now?

Zac: You're standing right here with me, like you always do.

Fatima: Exactly, we have been through some shit and I'm still rocking with you. Just because your parents, and other people decided to leave you doesn't mean I am. I value you and I'll be a damn fool to let you go, and you'll be fool to let me go to shit.

Zac: Nobody comes running to my rescue like you do, if we wasn't already married I'll marry you again.

Fatima: - Wiping his tears - I know if it's was me you'll do the same. I love you so much it's hurts, and it's hurts me to see that you're hurting. - Starting to tear up - You don't deserve this, I wish they get to see what I see in you.

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