- Chapter Twelve -

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Zac and the kids got home not to long ago, Zaria ended going to sleep, Kai, and Zyla was sitting in the kitchen with Zac.

Zyla: Daddy do we have to tell mommy we was fighting

Kai: Yes can we please keep this between us daddy

Zac: Nope y'all know the rules, we don't never what?

Zyla: We don't never keep nothing from mommy

Kai: because secrets are bad

Zac: Exactly so when your mom comes in here don't start that crying shit.

Zyla: But daddy why we in trouble we didn't do nothing

Zac: y'all are not in trouble but y'all can't be fighting and jumping people, Kai could have handle it by himself, you don't jump nobody unless you have to.

Zyla: I'm sorry daddy but I just don't like nobody bothering my sissy

Zac: And I get that, but you a girl Zy, you don't need to be fighting no boy got it?

Zyla: Got it daddy!

Kai: Mommy going to be so mad at us

Zac: Zyla what I tell you about that mouth of yours, you're 6 you can't be talking back, like that, we not raising you to be a smarty pants young lady! So when you get to school on Monday you going to apologize.

Zyla: But Ms. Bishop always saying mean things to me and it makes me so mad

Zac: You're a kid, that's adult! How is she mean to you Zyla?

Zyla: She's always yelling and she always babying Kameron when he be the one being bad

Zayden walked into the house, into the kitchen.

Zayden: Wassup dad! Kai and Zyzy wassup.

Zac: Wassup punkkk

Zyla: Hey ZayZay

Kai: Hey big bro

Zayden: School was good dad, are they in trouble why they sitting at the table?

Zac: They thought it was a good idea to jump the little boy who was bothering Zaria, now they suspended for 3 days.

Zayden: (laughing) y'all jumped him? Why

Zac: Why you laughing that ain't funny

Zayden: Crazy parents raise crazy kids

Zac: (laughing) I'm gone give you that one punk

Kai: Kameron pushed Zaria so me zy and Roy jumped him

Zayden: Dad you can't even be mad at them bro, they did what they had to do cause Zar Zar to nice.

Zac: Are you their brother or dad bro?

Zayden: I'm just saying dad, you always say protect each other that's what they did

Zac: You right son, but they can't be acting like that every-time something happens it ain't cute or cool.

Zayden: Where mom at?

Kai: she's one her way (whining)

Zayden: Does mom knows?

Zyla: No

Zayden: Ou no iPad for y'all or no target ah ha ha ha

Zac: Zayden leave your brother and sister alone for you don't have no phone, ah ha your ass to do that homework punk

Zayden: Ok dad relax I wasn't the one fighting (laughing)

Zac: Get to it!

Zayden went upstairs to change his clothes, and got a snack and went into his dads office to get his homework done. Fatima came in the house and Kai and Zyla started crying.

Fatima: What they crying for?

Zac: Wipe them tears and tell your mother what happened today?

(Still crying)

Zac: okay I will then, your kids and your niece jumped the little boy today

Fatima: What I tell y'all don't show y'all's asses and what y'all do show y'all asses!

Kai: mommy he pushed her first

Fatima: So he pushed her? And you , Zyla and Royal jump him?

Zyla: yes cause he was talking all that smack

Zac: Yeah little dude, pushed her, then they turned around and jumped him, I get to school, Zaria sitting in the office with blood all over her legs, nobody thought to take my kid to the nurse, Ms. Bishop got the nerve to say they lost focus.

Fatima: Zaria was just sitting there hurt with blood over her, when you got there? Is that what you saying to me.

Zac: Yeah babe, not only that they suspended for 3 days.

Fatima: The hell they isn't, they going to school tomorrow, don't nobody push my damn daughter and think they gone get away with it, then got the nerve to make her sit there and suffer, if you didn't handle it I sure will, was his parents there?

Zac: Nah they said couldn't get in contact with him, but he did call me back and said we can meet at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow

Fatima: Good! Cause that little boy got another thing coming! Kai and Zyla to y'all's room now I'll be up there.

Zyla: Are we in trouble?

Fatima: why you asking questions when I told you to do something.

Zyla: Sorry mommy

Zyla and Kai got up and went upstairs, Fatima put her things done and washed her hands.

Zac: So what you wanna do with them?

Fatima: Nothing, I ain't mad at them, they was looking out for their sister, but I will have a conversation with them separately, Zyla and Royal don't need to be fighting no boy.

Zac: I said the same thing.

Fatima: Where is Zaria?

Zac: In her room sleep?

Fatima: how hard did he push her? Did she hit her head? Is she okay? Like I need answers

Zac: I don't know babe, her whole knee is scrapped up, but I don't think she hit her head

Fatima: She better had not!

Zac: Are you going to be able to make it to the meeting?

Fatima: Yes I am. I'm not playing with that damn school! The fucking with the wrong one.

Zac: Before you go all killer T calm down

Fatima: No I'm piss, Zaria don't bother nobody now somebody kids putting their hands on her, that shit ain't right, who they fuck is raising these kids!

Zac: it's gone get handle let just enjoy the rest of the day together, did you eat?

Fatima: No I came straight here.

Zac: Let's go get you some food baby!!!

Fatima: We taking the kids?

Zac: Nah Nasir on his way over.

Fatima: Okay.

The Sequel - WLL OR WLEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें