- Chapter Ten -

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It's was 11 p.m. the kiddos was in bed, Zac and Fatima just got done making love to each other.

Zac: I missed you, 2 weeks away was not it at all.

Fatima: You needed the break though, I seen how you started getting hard on yourself, I had to book my baby to a vacation to just reset, get your mind back on track.

Zac: You just never fail to amaze me, Thank you for everything baby.

Fatima: You're Welcome, now about this little boy that pushed Zaria, should we make a trip to the school?

Zac: If you think it's necessary, Zar said she told the teacher, we should let it slide for right now, but if it happens again then we can go.

Fatima: Because you said that, I'll let it go, FOR NOW.

Zac: Thank you.

Kai started knocking on the door.

Fatima: What child of mine is that?

Kai: it's me mommy Kai Kai

Fatima: What do you want Kai? Why are you not in bed.

Kai: Can I sleep with you and daddy?

Zac: No Kai back in your room, Fatima don't even be always trying to brings his ass in here

Fatima: Babe, he probably miss you

Kai: please mommy

Zac: you can't sleep like that with him in here so put something on

Fatima: I know, and I am

Zac: I'm going make me a bowl of cereal I'll be back

Fatima: Okay

Zac put some shorts on and Fatima got the room situated, Kai and Zac went downstairs and ate a bowl of cereal.

Kai: daddy can I come to work with you tomorrow

Zac: Kai you have school, it's only the second day you already wanna skip (laughing)

Kai: I like spending time with you daddy I just miss you so much

Zac: I miss you too punk, how about me , you and Zay go to a game this weekend?

Kai: I like that daddy. BOYS TIME!


Kai: No girls they icky

Zac: Don't be talking about your sisters and your mother punk (laughing)

Kai: (laughing) Okay daddy

Kai and Zac finished up their cereal and went back upstairs, Zac got on his side and Kai snuggled under Fatima.

Zac: Just take my wife don't you.

Kai: Sorry daddy I was here first

Zac: No you wasn't stop cappn punk

Fatima: Are you too gone argue about me or go to sleep?

Kai: go to sleep mommy

Fatima: Thank you good night!

Zac: (sucks his teeth) Good night.

20 minutes laters the three was off to sleep, Zac and Fatima work up at 6:30 a.m. and Showered did their morning routine. Time has passed, The kids was off to school and Zac and Fatima went to work.

Fatima had tons of meetings today, so she was busy, Zac had new potential client who looking to by a house, on Lakeshore. She was meeting him at the office.

At the younger gen school:

It's was recesses time, The kindergartens and the 1st graders was all outside playing at the park, The twins, Roy and Kai was all doing their own thing, Kameron was still bothering Zaria but Zaria left it alone. Zaria was going down the slide and Kameron was behind her, Zaria had her limit and she had official reach it.

Zaria: If you don't leave me alone Kameron I'm gone get my baby brother to punch you

Kameron: I'm not scared of him ugly

Zaria: Call me ugly again and watch what happens

Kameron: Ugly, ugly, ugly (sticking his tongue out)

Zaria got up and ran over to Kai and Royal

Kai: You okay sissy?

Zaria: No baby brother Kameron keep messing with me and he called me ugly

Royal: Let's get him Kai Kai

Kai: Say less sissy

Kai cracked his knuckles and him, Roy and Zaria went over to Kameron.

Kai: Why you keep messing with my sissy

Kameron: Cause your sissy ugly

Royal: She's not ugly, you ugly dirt ball

Kameron: Shut up

Kai: You shut up dummy that's why your mommy don't love you

Kameron: Say something about my mommy and I'm gone hit you

Kai: Hit me dummy and watch what happen

Royal: That's why I thought scary, scary Kameron (they teased him)

Kameron: Who's scary your scary

Zaria: Let's just play somewhere else

Kai: yeah come on guys

Zaria, Kai and RoyRoy walked away, but Kameron pushed Zaria, making her fall, she scraped her knee and started crying. Zyla heard her sister crying and ran over, Kai turned around and started fighting Kameron, Zyla and Royal jumped in it, the teachers came over and broke it up, and took them to the principal office to call their parents.

Kai: don't you ever touch my sister again dummy

Zyla: boys don't hit girls dummy that why we jump you

Ms. bishop: ENOUGH!

Zyla: He started it, why you yelling at us

Ms. Bishop: Watch it young lady, I had enough of your mouth.

Zyla: I had enough of yours.

Zaria: ZyZy you know better stop it when mommy comes she gone handle it

Kai: dummy got what he deserves

RoyRoy: Period

Ms. Bishop: If you three don't hush your mouth, I'm going to separate y'all.

Zyla: Separate us we don't care

Ms. Bishops separate all of them, Zyla and Royal was sitting in one room, Kai and Zaria sitting in the office, and Kameron was sitting in the hallway outside of the office .

The principal called, Fatima and Zac three times no answer, then she called the first person on their emergency contact which was Lori, Lori called Fatima no Answer, She called Zac, Zac said he'll be at the school in 10 minutes.

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