- Chapter Twenty - Six -

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Zac , Fatima , Lori and Robin left for the night and went home, Fatima wasn't feeling the vibes anymore after finding out Aaron and Ms. Bishop was dating, then the fact she was talking to Zyla and Zaria like she was their mother, Fatima was fed up, and y'all know when Fatima sees red it ain't no stopping her.

Zac: Do you wanna talk about the situation, or do you want time to think on it? You know with these type of situation you like to fly of the handle.

Fatima: I wanna kill the bitch, that's what I wanna do. But let me guess you on Robin side, and wanna go about the legal way?

Zac: Yes, but hear me out babe, is this what we gone do after every situation, Kill every fucking body?

Fatima: Yes if we have to, cause you give a mf an inch they go the whole mile, if we don't end this bitch now, she's not going to stop! You see how we let Karen slide, then Brianna, then Brent I'm tired of mfs fucking with us! Fuck with me all you WANT BUT ZYLA, ZARIA, ZAKAI, ZAYDEN and my god children is off fucking limits

Zac: And you not wrong babe, but I think we should go Robin on this one.

Fatima: Zac all she gone do is lose her job.. she deserves more than that babe

Zac: Can you please just listen to me, and if the legal way doesn't work I'll support you with whatever you wanna do after that

Fatima: I'm listening, I'mma let you and Robin handle it, cause we are in this together, but trust and believe if it's follows with anymore bullshit, her ass is done!

Zac: Thank you, now can we enjoy the rest of our night just you and me?

At this point it was going on 11:30 p.m. Zac and Fatima decided to take a shower together, Zac pulled Fatima down kissing her, Zac immediately got hard, Zac wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer, as her naked body pressed against his. Fatima straddled Zac, who was sitting on the bench in the shower, the water flowed down Fatima back while she took ever inch of Zac's manhood. They both moaned loudly in pleasure, Fatima calling out Zac name made him even more aroused causing each thrust to go deeper and deeper. They took turns biting and kissing each other's neck. The pounding became harder and more intense. Zac could feel her pussy tighten up around his dick and the wetness increased as her juices dripped down. Her screams of pleasure now turned into a soft cry. Moments later, Fatima could feel the warmth of her Zac's cum inside of her escaping out, as he continued to slowly stroke, giving her every bit of what he had left.

Zac: I love you (kissing her neck)

Fatima: I love you more (she's whispers)

Zac and Fatima eventually took their love session into the bedroom, before falling asleep in each other's arms. Zayden been blowing up Zac and Fatima phone, but they say that passionate sex, makes the best sleep Zac and Fatima was GONE.

Zayden's POV:

Zayden wanted to go home, DeAndres parents been arguing for the past 2 hours now, Zayden was getting fed up, he hated hearing people arguing. Zac and Fatima never really argue in front of the kids, it was always private, Zayden hated drama, he also hated people yelling. Even though he was young he gets flashbacks of what Jeremiah use to do to him, he never really explained to his parents, but when couple argue it's made him think of the times with his mother and Jeremiah.

Zayden: Man do your parents do this all the time or what bro?

DeAndre: Nah my dad don't even be around, he comes here and there then disappear from time to time

Zayden: I feel sorry for you bro

DeAndre: it's cool Zay did your mom or dad answer you?

Zayden: No they probably sleep imma call my auntie see if she can come get me do you wanna come?

DeAndre: Nah thank you I don't wanna leave my mom

(Far as Zac and Fatima knew DeAndre mom was a single mother, they had no knowledge of DeAndres dad being in his life or who he was for that matter, even though Zayden didn't see Dre dad he could hear them)

Zayden: I understand bro

Zayden called Andi, anytime Zay needed anything Andi was the person for him, Lori was the same way but Lori ain't answering her phone after 11.

Andi: Zay what is you doing up this late for boy?

Zayden: Auntie I need you to come get me please my mom or dad ain't answering the phone

Andi: What's wrong? are you okay?

Zayden: I'm okay I just don't wanna be here anymore

Andi: Where you at?

Zayden: At my friends house

Andi: Send me the location I'll be on my way

Zayden: Okay thank you auntie.

(Zayden sent the location)

Andi: You're only 12 minutes away from me I'm on my way have your things ready

Zayden: Alright Auntie see you soon

Andi: See you in a minute baby boy

Zayden and Andi hang up the phone, Zayden proceeded to gets things ready.

Zayden: Next time you can just come to my house

DeAndre: Okay bro I like that

Zayden phone started ringing it's was Heather calling him back.

Heather: Son you okay?

Zayden: Hey mom I'm okay I wanted you mom or dad to come get me from a friend house but my auntie Andi coming now

Heather: Why are you leaving your friends house this late Zayden?

Zayden: I didn't wanna stay here no more

Heather: Then why go over there in the first place, did something happen?

Zayden: Mom I'm just not comfortable with being here so I wanna go somewhere where I'm comfortable at

Heather: how far is your aunt

Zayden: she said she pulling up in about 3 minutes mom

Heather: Call me when you get to her house love you Zay

Zayden: Love you too mom

Zayden and Heather hang up, Andi pulled up like 2 minutes later and got out the car and was walking to the door the closer she got the louder the yelling got, Andi knocked on the door and waiting for someone to answer it. She texted Zayden and told him she was at the door.

Seconds later DeAndres mom open the door.

DeAndre mom: Can I help you?

Andi: Yeah I'm Zayden Aunt I'm here to get him.

DeAndre dad: Who's at the door?

Andi could recognize the voice but she thought she was tripping, moments later DeAndre dad appeared at the door.

Gary: Andi? What you doing here?

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