- Chapter- Fifty- Nine -

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Monday morning came around, Carmen just picked up kids, Zayden left yesterday with his mom, and Fatima just left out for work also, Zac was in his room finishing getting dress, and Gia was in the kitchen drinking coffee, scrolling on her phone. About 20 minutes later Zac came downstairs in the kitchen.

Zac: Good morning sis - hugging her - is all you wear is sweats and T- shirts? - laughing-

Gia: - hugging him back - No but just trying to keep a low profile that's all.

Zac: Besides everything with mom, and Jeremiah.. is there something else you wanna tell me? Cause I told you, you don't have to worry about Jeremiah anymore.

Gia: - Hesitant look - Um No, No.

Zac: Come on Gia is there something else going on with you? Cause if it is you need to tell me.

Gia: Z I told you No, everything fine, everything going to be okay.

Zac: What was the hesitant look for then? You hiding something and you don't want me to know isn't it?

Gia: Just from a look, that's what you got?

Zac: All I'm gone say to you Gia, is ask for help now before it's too late, this is my wife and my kids safe place I don't need no bullshit happening here, you still haven't told me how you got my location.

Gia: I might of find someone to track you down - getting nervous-

Zac: My number been the same Gia, you didn't have to go through all that to find me all you had to do was call me, I would of told you.

Gia: You right Z, and I'm sorry.

Zac: Come on you hanging with me today, is that what you wearing? You need to look professional.

Gia: Where we going? - getting scared-

Zac: See you about to get me tight Gia, why you looking scared I'm not gone let nothing happen to you, I gotta check on my old place, Collect rent from my apartment building, and I gotta few clients to see, you gone see what big bro do for a living.

Gia: Listen I can stay here, look after the dog. I don't wanna bother you at work Z.

Zac: You coming with me, the dog not even here - laughing-

Gia: Fine - getting up - gave me like 20 minutes- walking away -

Zac: Okay - getting him some coffee-

Carmen became Zac and Fatima's full time Nanny, so she picks up and takes the kids to school, sometimes even practice and bring them home, she also watches Ziggy in the meantime, she didn't mind she's loves it.

The younger GEN school:

The kids was split up into groups, taking turns going on bathroom and water breaks.

Kameron: Hey Zaria - big smile-

Zaria: Hey Kam!

Zyla: You better not be messing with my sister dummy

Kameron: Sorry if I was being mean to you, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings - Sad face-

Zaria: It's okay Kammy, I'm sorry for my sisters and brother for jumping you that was really mean

Kameron: It's okay, do you want to play with me at recess?

Zaria: - smiling- Yes!

Kameron went back to his seat, and Zyla got up and walked over to Kameron.

Zyla: Sorry for calling you a dummy I just don't like with people mess with my sissy - hugs him -

Kameron: - hugs her back- it's okay Zyla I'm sorry to for being mean to your sissy you can play with us at recess to

Zyla: Okay!! - running back to her seat -

If there's one thing Zac and Fatima teaches their kids it was accountability, Apologizing was something they always drilled in their head, nobody expected Kam to apologize but that just shows growth on Aaron side, but would it last though?

Back at the house:


Gia: - walking down the steps- I'm coming big head don't rush me!

Zac: Women - shaking his head - y'all just take forever for no reason damn

Gia: Can you be quiet let's go, you doing more talking than walking to the car!

Zac: Ewww you sound just like my damn wife - getting gross out -

Gia: Is that a bad thing?

Zac: No but I would like for only my wife to talk to me like that, not you baby sis!

Gia: You, you jus-

Zac: I'm just what - opening the door- come on let's go

Gia: - Walks out the door- Let me just shut up - laughing-

Zac unlocked the door, for Gia to get in, while locking up the house, seconds later Zac was in the car and they headed to his office first.

About 20 minutes later, Zac and Gia arrived to his office, when he got upstairs Angela and Bryce was arguing.

Bryce: You need to leave Angela! Please just go.

Angela: I'm not going anywhere Bryce, I'm staying right here we need to talk!

Bryce: We have nothing to talk about, you moved on so have I!

Zac: Yo, Bryce y'all gotta take this somewhere else not here bro, we not doing that. We got clients here.

Bryce: Not me bro, it's her tell her to leave.

Zac: Angela get your fucking ass out of here before we have some more problems, cause I'm still on your ass how you told my son I wasn't his daddy!

Gia: Who is this Zac?

Zac: Some big bitch, who's always starting shit, look at her she just filled with messy!

Angela: Zac please shut up cause this doesn't concern you, does Fatima know you working in here with some Hoe?

Gia: Some Hoe? You don't know me sis, so you better trend lightly.

Zac: See that's exactly what I mean just fucking messy, you always think you know something and you don't!

Angela: You heard me girl, Some hoe!

Gia: You better get her Zac, cause I'll whoop your ass, and I'll have your man, don't make me say it again trend lightly bitch!

Zac: If I get her, I'm gone smack the shit outta her again, so Bryce control your dog, I mean your hippo!

Bryce: You see I can't control her bro, I'm trying!

Angela: You know what y'all not shit, y'all fucking disgust me!

Gia: That's why you mad! AHHH - laughing-

Angela: - sticks up middle finger- - leaves -

Zac: I can't fucking stand that broad bro, what did you even see in her bro she's fucking annoying

Bryce: People just ain't who they seem to be bro, who's this, New client?

Zac: Nah this is my baby sis Gia, Gia this is my business partner Bryce.

Gia: - Waves - Hey Bryce, nice to meet you!

Bryce: - smiling- Nice to meet you as well, ohh Zac here got a sister!

Zac: Don't get no idea bro, she's off limits.

Gia: Oh trust me bro, not my type, no offense though. Like them black ..hoo- you know what where your office bro?

Zac: Right there- pointing - but we not staying here long, I just need to grab some paper work, then we heading back out.

Gia: Okay I'll just wait in here then!

Zac: Cool sis.

The Sequel - WLL OR WLEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora