Chapter - 103.)

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It's was going on 9:30 p.m. Fatima had finally gotten home with spending the day with Andi and Ayaan, Andi was appreciative.

While Fatima was with Andi, Zac did what he had to do, he kept his promise by going to fuck Lamont up, which he did, but he was throw off by Lamont telling him Fatima already came to see him. Fatima never mentioned her pulling up on Lamont, so Zac was tight.

Zac made sure the kids got their homework done, he cooked dinner, got the kids bathed and in bed, and got the downstairs situated, all while Fatima was gone.

Zac: - walking into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him - Haven't heard from you all day yo, what's that about?

Fatima: - removing her jewelry - I just got caught with Andi and Ayaan, sorry baby. How was your day?

Zac: - playing with his fingers - Shit my day was cool fr, got to spend the day with my littles, interesting that you ask though , because while the kids was at school I went to handle something.

Fatima: And what was that?

Zac: Your boy ..

Fatima: - Confused look - My boy?

Zac: Stop playing dumb Fatima you know exactly who I'm talking about fucking Lamont!

Fatima: All you had to say was Lamont, all that "your boy" shit was uncalled for.. but go on Zac.

Zac: You went to see him after I SPECIFICALLY said I'll handle it Fatima, you don't fucking listen bro never!

Fatima: Let's be clear, if I handled the mf he will be DEAD, for one, for two you think I'm really about to sit around and let a nigga get away with following my children, NO! I don't even play like that. Yes I pulled up on the nigga hit him 2 good time and said you'll be back to finish the job, me going there wasn't no secret Zachary, that nigga a bitch I knew he was gone run his mouth.

Zac: You're missing the whole entire point Fatima, now what if that nigga would have knocked your ass out then what babe? Then what?

Fatima: Tss a nigga know better!

Zac: - shaking his head - You know what fuck it.

Fatima: It's funny how, you could run out of here and handle your business with these bitches, and pull up on them, but I do it? It's a problem.

Zac: You just gone bring that up every-time? Bro that's not the same, you don't need to be pulling up on these niggas when you got a husband who don't play about you. One day you gone meet yo match, and I'm not gone be there to save you, you not thinking about the outcome Fatima, you literally fly off the handle without thinking about what happens next.

Fatima: And if a nigga put they hands on me, that's a dead nigga.

Zac: You pulling up to a nigga place of business anything could of happened to you, your ass didn't communicate or nothing, all I'm saying is start listening Fatima, I don't want to have to repeat this conversation again with you - He said with a stern voice -

Fatima: Okay. - Said nonchalantly -

Zac: You wanna be running here thinking you Muhammad Ali daughter or some shit - shaking his head -

Fatima: You trying to be funny? Cause if I dead knocked you the fuck out you won't be talking nigga - she said jokingly -

Zac: - Chuckles - Fatima you don't want these problems, if it came down to it babe, I would really whoop your ass, be glad you my wife.

Fatima: - Balling her fist up - These bitches right here are lethal, you seen how I did your sister, don't temp me to do that to your ass!

Zac: Fatima please you can't beat me bro, go take your shower.

The Sequel - WLL OR WLEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora