Chapter - 122.)

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"What's your problem?" Zac asked with a slight attitude. "Nothing" Fatima said simply putting a spoon full of mash potatoes in her mouth. Zac had sucked his teeth and looked at Fatima with a side look.

"Be real with yourself Fatima, I know you. Ever since I got back you been quiet giving me 1 answer responses, so what's the matter?"

"You was so cool with me being out with Paul, so you could jump in bitches faces right? but it's cool Zac" She said focusing her attention back on her food.

"Fatima what the are fuck you talking? Whose face was I in? You're tripping. You just told me earlier you didn't want to fight with me anymore now your ass down here picking a fight like what the fuck, I just can't win yo " Zac said frustrated throwing his hands up.

"K Zachary" was all what was said.

"You been way too emotional lately I don't know if it's PMS or you just need some dick, but this little attitude of yours wrap that shit up Fatima, nobody got time for all that"

Tommy was calling Fatima, so she answered the phone call ignoring Zac.

"Wassup Rat, here to deliver the mice" Tommy said and Fatima laughed. "020433" She said giving him the code to get in the gate.

Tommy was dropping Kai off, Kai was the child that didn't like staying anywhere if he's parents wasn't there.

" I'm in, come get this little fucker" Tommy said joking.

Fatima hang up the phone, and went to get Kai. He had a backpack full of cookies and popsicles Fatima just shook her head.

"Hey daddy" Kai said running to Zac. " Wassup punk, you have fun at your aunties house?" Zac asked.

"Yeah then it started getting lame" Kai said. Fatima and Zac laughed. "You hungry?" Fatima asked Kai. "No mommy, me ate already" "Okay then. Is you sitting in here with me and daddy or you going upstairs"

"I'm outta here mommy" and Kai took off running going into the playroom to get on his iPad . "That kid" Zac said chuckling to himself, then he looked at Fatima.

"What Zac?" "Don't what me, stop acting like that, just say what's on your mind, I'm not about to sit here and play these guessing game with you"

"Nothing is wrong with me, I told you that, can we just eat so we could go to bed"

"We not leaving this kitchen until you tell me what the fuck is wrong, we was good when I left, I get back you quiet. What happened in that time span Fatima?"

" I don't know you tell me" She said nonchalant.

"That's the THING, I don't know Fatima. I literally went to get you some food and brought my ass back home"

"Zac you was in that restaurant in some bitches face, don't try and play dumb now, I'm not for the games" She said, tossing her phone at him so he could see the picture.

" You're mad about this?" He said getting pissed off. "Our little 10 second conversation was about you, like go head with all that Fatima. Currently you don't have all your shit figure out."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"You're hypocrite.. it's cool for you to do shit, but when I do it's a big fucking problem. And instead of you just asking questions you just ASSUME... The captain of fucking jumping to conclusions you are" He said grabbing his drink and walking away he didn't want to fight with her.

Fatima didn't chase after him. Zac went off into the playroom with Kai, she looked at the picture again, then she remembered the girl in the picture was Paul's girlfriend.

The Sequel - WLL OR WLETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang