- Chapter Seven -

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A month has passed Zac haven't seen Fatima in that whole month, her and Zac came up with an co- parenting that works best for them, Lori and Andi does the drops off or picks up. Zac does send Fatima flowers every week.

Zac stopped drinking and locked himself into the gym to get his mental right, Zac finally took Fatima up on her offer on going to therapy , they both are seeing the same therapist but separately.

Fatima had been suffering from PTSD, ever since the shooting, her and Zac being separated didn't make it no better, even though her Zac wasn't talking she still checks his location periodically, or Lori always gives her updates, Zac usually didn't leave the house unless he had to.

Today they both was seeing their therapist, Fatima was walking out the room and Zac was walking in, Zac was looking good and seem to be in better spirits, Fatima was happy that he was taken the necessary steps to get better.

Zac: I was hoping we would bump into each other one of these days I miss you

Fatima: How are you?

Zac: I'm doing good for the most part, I'm healthy, therapy going really great, but I miss you and I don't think I could go any longer without you being home.

Fatima: Why couldn't you just do this when I asked you to do it Zac? You literally pushed me away like I didn't mean shit to you.

Zac: Remember T we all move at a different pace, I wasn't ready at the time, I was hurting, yes it took you leaving for me to finally get my shit together, but it wasn't just that, I probably will never fully get over being shot, even though the nigga dead it's like i can't even go to a fucking gas station without that moment living in my head, all I could think about is that I have sons who look up to me and I'm scared for them, cause is this what we gone have to go through when a nigga can't fight? So yes it was all these emotions at once I was feeling and you getting on me I just exploded. Then it's like I had to hear that shit from you, Lori, Andi and Robin and I just wasn't with that, I get it they love us, but I wanted them to stay out of it.

Fatima: All I ever wanted from you Zac is the best, you right you move at your own pace, but you wasn't getting better Zac, you was getting worse day by day. You think I wanna sit there and watch my husband kill himself, you didn't even think about me, or the kids for that matter, you was selfish and I didn't like that, we both experienced something from that night, everyday I'm checking your location to make sure you're home, everyday I'm calling Lori to make sure you're okay in the house, the shooting took a toll on me to, I catch myself jumping outta my sleep, thinking something bad happen to you, every-time my phones rings, I think it someone calling me telling me something bad happen to you, I'm hurting and I could finally admit that. Then you turn around and blame me? Like I had control over him? That hurt me to my core Zachary, that's last thing I expected to hear from your mouth was that.

This was their first real conversation they had in a long time, their therapist was actually impressed how well they was communicating without yelling, he let them finish the conversation, because they both needed to say what was on their mind.

Zac: I fucked up blaming you for that, I was dumb and I'm men enough to admit my wrongs, you didn't deserve that, and at that moment when you left I was broken , but now that we are here I'm actually glad you stepped away from me and put you and our children first, because clearly I didn't. But these past weeks, have mold me. I know I gotta put in some work on getting you back, but I want you to come back to the house, I can leave if you want me to, but I don't want you calling another place home, when we have a home together, just think about it, I love you and you enjoy the rest of your day.

Zac kissed Fatima on cheek, and proceeded to his session with his therapist, Rodney was his name. Fatima left out the building and tears just flowed, Fatima didn't expect the conversation to turn out like that, but she's happy it did, seeing him back at almost his happy self was all she wanted, Fatima decided to wait for Zac.

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