Chapter: 130

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"Why is it every -time I asked y'all not to bother me, y'all still bother be. " Zyla said in the kitchen with everyone she was forced to come back downstairs.

"Like I don't want to talk about the situation anymore, I don't care about it apparently this is Zaria's world we living in so let's keep it that way" Zyla added smartly.

"You mad at the wrong person, so stop with all that" Zaria said rolling her eyes.

"No I'm MAD because dad was on 100 with me, but was on 10 WITH YOU, if you ask me I'll think it's Favoritism going on around here, but let me hush"

"Favoritism?" Zac asked confused. "Go on with that shit I treat all y'all fair" He pleaded.

"Do you though?" She asked smartly again, snapping her neck.

"Your mouth" Zac said rubbing his chin. "Keep that shit up"

"Point proven" Zyla said simply.

"Everybody just take a breather, mamas it was just a in a heated moment, emotional was high"

"It's just weird, because Zaria is the most emotional one she gets handled with "care" but let it had been the other way around and I WAS AT SOME BOYS HOUSE I HAD NO BUSINESS BEING, I WOULD IN BIG TROUBLE, but since ZARIA just the sweet, innocent child she gets a "don't do it again act" just weird like all due respect I don't have nothing to say to nobody can I just go back to my room please"

" No if you have a problem, if you think you're being treated differently let's talk about it, so it don't happen again, I get what you saying mamas I do, but it's how you deliver it" Fatima assured.

"When I'm mad it's just like I don't spare nobody, I wasn't directly yelling at dad, I was just trying to plead my case" Zy said.

"BECAUSE  all this could have simply been ADVIOD, if that one over there just SIMPLY COMMUNICATED, she had time to call a ride-share she had time to communicate with her sister" Zyla continued.

"My phone died in the ride-share, so how was I supposed to do that ZYLA???" Zaria said mean mugging her.

" Keep looking at me like that, I swear imma come across this table, you should of asked the driver for charger weirdo"

"Obviously he didn't have one you weirdo" Zaria spat back.

"Shut up little girl, please stop talking to me before I lose it and even if that was the case when you got home you still could have communicated all them devices you got, exactly. " Zyla said.

Zac and Fatima was just watching the commotion between the two just reminded them on how the two of them argue.

"Lose it then" Zaria said standing up.

"See she's so big and bad now and until I punch the shit out of her, somebody better get her" Zyla said still sitting in her seat.

"You" Zac said pointing at Zaria "sit the fuck down" and you he said pointing at Zyla "watch your mouth real shit"

"Can I be excused please?" Zyla asked

Fatima nodded in agreement and Zyla left out the kitchen, not to long after Zaria went off to her room, and Zac went to his man cave area Fatima stayed downstairs and cleaned the kitchen.

"What are you doing over there, are you still on punishment?" Zyla said on the phone with Royal.

"Yes I got 2 more days added to my punishment because of my mouth" Royal said rolling her eyes over the phone.

"It's crazy how they always getting on us about our mouths but we're literally the mini version of them" Zyla said laughing.

"Exactly ZY, I'm ready for my dad to come home, I would of been off punishment if he was home"

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