Chapter - 118.)

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"Where you going?" Robin asked with a strange look. "Out" Was all Lori said. "You going out and we just got back home?"

"Okay you home, what is that stopping?" Lori said grabbing her heels from the top of their closet. "Why you acting like this" Robin said stepping in front of Lori so her main focus was on him.

"What am I acting like Robin? Please let me know?" Robin phones went off, he took out his pocket to see who it was, then putting it on dnd. "See that right there is the reason why I'm going out, because if I stay right here any longer I'm gone lost my shit"

"All I did was put my phone on do not disturb, why is that a big deal Lo" He asked. "You don't even see the problem and that's what making MAD, move Robin" She said sternly.

"Maaaa" Nasir called out knocking on Lori's and Robin's bedroom door. Robin stepped away so Lori could leave out the closet.

"Yes Nas" She said. Nasir could tell something was wrong with her. "Mom you okay? Why you looking like that?" "It's nothing baby, what did you need?"

"Is it alright if Dominic and Jordan could come over for the weekend" Nasir asked.

"I will need to speak with their mother first" She said.

"I knew you would say that, here I got it right here, She's already waiting for you to call" Nasir said and Lori chuckled.

"Get your phone out, so I could tell you number" Nas said and Lori grabbed her phone off the bed, Nasir give her the number and Lori dialed the number. The boys mother answered on the second ring.

The two mothers spoke briefly before Lori hang up the phone. "You can go get them" Lori said and Nasir was hyped. "Thank you mom, love you" He said running out her room, Robin was just admiring his wife, motherhood always looks good on her.

"I'm sorry" Robin said. And Lori turned around and said "what" because she didn't hear him.

"I said I'm sorry, I thought I was doing the right thing but turns out I'm not, I have a surprise for you, and no I'm not gone tell you what it is, but that's the reason why I'm acting "sneaky" Robin said to assure.

"That's all you had to say in the beginning, and I would have left it alone Robin, but you ending our last phone call saying "Do I want to be in this marriage or you saying I don't value you" was complete nonsense Rob."

" You questioned my integrity,and I wasn't messing with that Lo"

"Everybody knows I can be a HOTHEAD, but I came to you calm and asked you a question never accuse you of anything by the WAY"

"And now that I sit back and think about it, you did and again I apologize my love" Robin said sincerely, walking up to Lori hugging her from behind kissing her cheek.

" What's the surprise though" Lori asked smiling "You will see in a couple days" "I'm sorry too" Lori said turning around facing Robin pecking his lips.

"Can y'all not" Noor said walking into their room gagging, Lori and Robin started laughing.

"What can I do for you Noory" Lori said. "I do not want to stay here why them funky boys gone be here" Noor said.

" Well go over to your Aunties house that's where Roy is" Lori said. " No uncle Zac is tired of us" Noor said laughing. "Staying far away from him" "Well call Ja'Zahria up, and see if she want to come over" "I'm so glad you said that, because her mom said yes already" Noor said.

"You think you so slick mama" Lori said. "But we have to go get her because her mom is at work, and her grandmother doesn't drive" Noor said.

"Okay I'll be down in 20 minutes" "Okay mommy" Noor said walking away.

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