95. *I'm Here For You*

Start from the beginning

His gaze involuntarily falling down on her abdomen, which she was currently palming with her hand. As if sensing his gaze, she gave it a light squeeze.

Maya bit down on her bottom lip, trying her best not to break down on seeing him after months. She tried not to feel anything on seeing how he looked at her, the way he was looking up and down her body and his lingering gazes, especially on her abdomen.

Maya felt the walls around her heart that she had been building, started to slowly crumble. It made her mad how even after months, even after being away from him she could still get affected by him so easily.

"What are you doing here?"

"How're you?"

They both said at the same time. While Massimo's tone was soft and held patience, Maya's tone was anything but same.

Sophia stood up, clearing her throat. She could feel the tension building up in the air. "Uh why don't you come here and sit sweetie." She offered. "While I go and maybe get some snacks."

Maya knew her mother was trying to give them two some space but that's what she didn't want because she didn't trust herself alone in his presence, especially now that she was pregnant, she had no control over her emotions at all.

"No, you're not going anywhere." Maya voiced her thoughts. "Besides I don't think I'll have to sit." She continued. "Because he can just say why's here and then simply leave." She knew she was probably sounding rude, but she didn't care. It was better to sound rude than to break down in front of the man who broke her heart.

Massimo wasn't fazed by her words at all. He had prepared himself for that and much worse.

"I'm here to see you." Massimo said looking at her with determination.

"Well, I'm standing right here." She gestured at herself. "And now that you've seen me, you can go & continue with your day." Maya folded her arms in front of her, but she wasn't sure if it was to look intimidating or to hold herself up.

"But I haven't seen you enough yet." His reply made Maya to look away from him. She could feel his strong gaze on her.

"Then take a picture and leave." She replied back.

By now Sophia had made her way out of the living room. She knew her presence was unwanted for the time being. Maya and Massimo needed to talk. Sophia knew what that meant. Maya would find out about the truth, that it was a facade, Massimo didn't cheat on her. Maya would find out that her own mother had been a part of her heartbreak.

"How're you?" Massimo asked again. This time he moved a little in her direction, not being able to have so much distance in between them.

"Stay right there." Maya held her one hand at him.

Listening to her, Massimo halted in his steps.

"You don't have to come near me." Maya said, with chin up. "Whatever you want to say, you can say it from right there."

Sighing, Massimo replied, "Alright amore."

Maya's eyes squinted on hearing him saying that. How dared he to call her that?!

"It's Maya." She corrected him.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now