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Epilogue - 5 Years Later

"Olivier! Juliette! Arrêt!" Séraphine rushed after the world's naughtiest four year olds who were currently trying to run up the Malfoy Manor's driveway, "Honestly. 'Bastien! Chase your kids!"

Séraphine turned around with her hands on her hips as Sebastian peeked out from behind the trunk of the vehicle. He lifted a children's bag over his shoulder and smirked before grabbing the cake she'd made. Who knew she'd find a love for baking? It reminded her of potion-making.

"Might I remind you-again-that they're our kids." He shut the trunk before joining her side. "And the moment you want more, just say so ma chérie."

She snorted inwardly, watching as the curly haired kids started knocking on the door. "That was before I realized how strong the twin genes are. I could say, oui un more, and then deux! Can you handle two sets of twins under five?"

Sebastian only laughed, especially since this was the third time they'd had this conversation. Olivier followed his sister around. He looked more like Séraphine with her heart shaped face and pale blue eyes. He had Sebastian's curly brown hair and freckles which she adored. Juliette, on the other hand, had her pale blonde hair, but it was curly. Everything else was Sebastian. Her eyes, her smile, her mischief. Juliette was in charge and Olivier followed his sister with no hesitation. Even when it got him in trouble.

And she loved them both, dearly. Séraphine had fallen in love with motherhood and didn't realize how much she adored watching Sebastian be a doting father until he held their children for the first time.

The door opened, revealing a glowing Hermione. Today was her baby shower, but she'd requested no gifts and that it just be an intimate dinner amongst friends. Ominis and Luna were the only ones unable to make it. Luna was researching a new species of Jobberknolls in South Africa. They'd sent a hilarious video of Ominis mistaking a Graphorn for an elephant and the picture captured him running away from the camera.

"Aunt 'Mione!" The twins cried out excitedly, lifting their hands to the sky.

Draco appeared behind her, wrapping his arms around her with two protective hands on her stomach. "Well if it isn't the troublemakers. Come to join the party, eh?" He winked down at them, "There's cookies on the table. Help yourselves."

"Ah!" Séraphine grabbed the backs of both their little overalls before they could run.

"Mama" Juliette whined, drawing out the 'a'.

She raised an eyebrow in warning, causing the younger girl to hush. "You both can have a cookie, but after you eat lunch. Comprendre?"

Olivier nodded and raised onto the balls of his feet, giving her a sloppy kiss on her cheek, "S'il te plaît mama? One cookie now?"

He looked up at her with a sweet, begging smile. Her heart melted. She looked between between Juliette and Sebastian accusingly.

"Which one of you taught my sweet Oli this trick?"

Juliette giggled, "You do the same thing to papa."

Séraphine scoffed, but she winked at her daughter. "One cookie before lunch. Share with your brother! Entends moi?" The two ducked behind Hermione and Draco, gleefully laughing at having successfully played their own mama. She smiled wryly at the expecting couple, "This is what you have to look forward to."

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