Chapter Fifty Eight

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"Why do you know all of this? How close are you to the Dark Lord to know his plans a year in advance? How were you able to Disapparate from Hogwarts?"

Séraphine worked to get him talking, all the while she was trying to think of a plan to get out of here. She'd already tried to Apparate, but wards were set up in advance. The tide was low right now, allowing them to be on the cave's wet ground, but once the tide rose... she'd be food for those Dugbogs. Putain, she could be food right now if they were hungry enough, but they seemed content to swim around the opening of the cave.

The Death Eater shrugged before taking a couple steps away from her, "Honestly? I'm no one. But luckily instead of a little birdie, I've got a little snake who hears quite a lot." His shoulders shook in silent laughter, "I've also been told you're quite clever so I'll cut this conversation short. Good luck and remember.... Please try to die? Cheers."


Before he disappeared in a cloud of black smoke, Séraphine stared at the floor to see her wand broken in two. There was also something small that had clattered to the ground, though the sound of the waves crashing and low grumbling from the Dugbogs would have rendered it soundless. Séraphine tried to use the very thin sliver of moonlight near the water to shed some light. It was a library card... signed by Agnes Scribner. 3-10-1890.

She flipped the card to see which book had been checked out. There were two books with laughable titles, but it caused Séraphine to lean over the waters edge and vomit her dinner. Catherine hadn't come through time alone. She glanced down at the titles written in bold, black lettering.

100 Facts About Puffskeins and Where to Find Them

How to Overcome Your Fears.

In a Dugbog Load of Trouble

Duncan. Hobhouse.




Séraphine was fuming. Fuming may have been an understatement. There was only a small circle around her which was left dry thanks to her limited magic without a wand otherwise her ankles would be soaked right now. And having wet stockings might be a fate worse than death. Never mind that she had to constantly recast a warming charm over her because it was in the latter half of Autumn. Temperatures were dropping to 4 degrees C.

Thinking of all the ways to kill Duncan Hobhouse was a fun pastime, but those Dugbogs had looked at her more times in the last fifteen minutes than they had the last two hours. The Moon was rising higher in the sky which left the little sliver of light only available at the opening to the cave. Other than that, it was pitch dark and Séraphine's overactive imagination thought the Giant Squid was in here with each wave crashing against the walls.

In truth, she didn't know where she was. Not a single clue. Casting the Patronus charm earlier had been exhausting, Apparating against her will had been exhausting, and now standing in a cold, dark, and wet cave while trying not to entice two Dugbogs was exhausting. Séraphine sighed heavily and began to fold the library card in the shape of a little paper bird.

She pressed her lips against the side of the paper, whispering her quiet plea. "Une caverne. Des dugbogs. My wand is broken."

The paper oiseau flew high along the cavern's ceiling to avoid getting wet. Séraphine had to use wand-less magic to divert the Dugbog's tongues that aimed for the messenger; thinking it was food. Once it left the mouth of the cave, the relief didn't flow through her.

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