Chapter Eighteen

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"You're cute when you're jealous." His thumb brushed her bottom lip as he gazed at her through hooded eyes, "I want to kiss you, Séra."

Her eyes held is. "And I want that witch six feet under if she's planning on causing harm to any of us. Go to Breakfast, tell Ominis what's going on, and I'll see you in Potions soon."

"Do I get a kiss before I leave?" He inquired, leaning down. Séraphine leaned up, close enough for their noses to touch, but their lips an inch apart. His hand fell down to the base of her throat, wrapping his fingers around her neck slightly, but possessively. "You are mine, Séraphine. You always have been. You always will be."

She looked up at him through her lashes, watching his eyes steadily darken with blatant lust. "If you want me, you'll have to earn me. Do what I said and then maybe you'll deserve a kiss."

His breathing went uneven as the tension was suffocating between them. His lip curled up, releasing her. "Yes, madame."

And he left her there, holding up her dress, and still feeling his hand against the base of her throat. Séraphine's heart was hammering. Was it always this way? Had he heard? Did he know how affected she was by him?

Did he know she's only liked orange marmalade for over half a decade simply because it reminded her of his cologne?

Brewing Disaster






Séraphine mentally chanted the numbers in her head, counting to 100 for the third time. If Catherine didn't stop staring at the brown haired, Scottish wizard beside her; she was going to commit murder. Ominis, on the other side of Sebastian, also had a visibly irritated look. He didn't have as much patience as she did.

He titled his head, raising his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Gaunt?" Professor Sharp called out with a confused expression.

Ominis was particularly good at potions, he wasn't one to ask for clarifying questions or help. His lip curled in disgust, "Do you have a focus potion available? It appears Miss Lewis has a hard time focusing on your lecture today."

Séraphine hid her smirk behind a curtain of blonde hair as she scribbled down on her spare parchment. Ominis: VI. Séraphine: II. Sebastian was still at 0.

Sebastian scoffed beside her, muttering, "I have more points than both of you."

"Obviously not if she thinks you might fancy her back." Séraphine all but hissed under her breath as she wrote -VIII next to his name.

"Is there a problem, Miss Lewis?" Professor Sharp called out dismayed. "Slytherins are known for their brilliant potion work. I'd hate for a Ravenclaw to perform better than you today."

It was all in jest as there wasn't a question who was better. Séraphine knew she was. Catherine thought she was.

The dark haired witch smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes as she struggled to keep her ego in check. "I'm quite confident that I am much better at potions than Séraphine."

A few ooh's and ahh's reverberated throughout the class.

Séraphine raised a delicate eyebrow. "That's the difference between you and I. He didn't have to use my name. Everyone already knew who he was talking about." She gave her a kind smile, sickeningly sweet, but razor sharp. "Since it's your first year in Hogwarts, do be sure to ask any of us for help. Or if you need help with the basics, any of the first years can help you too."

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