Chapter Four

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Catherine smiled, "Natsai said you both have Defense Against the Dark Arts Class after this one. Sebastian, would you mind escorting me? I'm not quite sure where the classroom is."

"Use a navigation spell." Ominis pointed out in a short tone.

Sebastian turned his head towards his friend with a slightly puzzled expression before returning to the other Slytherin. "Fine by me. Meet me by the door after class and I'll walk with you."

Catherine smiled brightly, almost bouncing on her heels. "Thank you!"

Séraphine watched the exchange with irritation blossoming in her heart. It was unwarranted because the witch hadn't actually done anything to them, but it was more of a wary feeling. She couldn't get the sight of her severely hostile and rage filled expression out of her mind, and for the life of her-she wasn't sure. Séraphine wasn't sure if it was the lighting or Catherine had been that angry about Professor Ronen making her look bad in front of everyone.

The Pureblooded witch flickered her eyes towards Ominis, who wore a small frown. It did validate her feelings a little bit. She wasn't the only one wary of the new Hogwarts student.

A Proper Hogwarts Welcome

The rest of class passed by uneventfully, however Professor Ronen did finish early which was surprising. He was infamous for rambling on about Charms-not that Séraphine minded, she soaked up the information like a sponge in a pail of water. It did mean that they'd have a bit of time waiting inside the classroom before Professor Hecat would start.

She went to pass Sebastian and Ominis who were waiting by the door for Catherine. She seemed busy talking to the Professor about extra assignments in order to catch up to everyone. An arrogant smile toyed on her lips. As if she could ever hope to beat Séraphine in charms or dueling. The witch had been in extra study classes since she could hold a wand in order to not disappoint her family. To make her studious and powerful-someone another Pureblood would want to marry.

A hand reached out, grabbing the crook of her arm, "Walk with us, won't you?"


Her eyes slid over to Sebastian. He held a different book from last night with this one appearing more medicinal in nature. It was a book on St. Mungo's and the various case studies they regarded about treating curses.

"If you want me to, I'd be happy to." She took a step towards Sebastian, ignoring his hostility and became more curious about the unfamiliar book, "Does it mention any remedies to try? I can skip lunch to prepare a few things."

He rolled his eyes, "Because you were so helpful preparing the ingredients we needed last night, weren't you?"

She frowned, "I stayed up crushing dried leaves for hours after."

"You did?" Sebastian was skeptical until she held out her hands. They used to be dainty with soft pale skin over elegant, long fingers. Now she had callouses on her palm from holding pestles for hours, but the angry red across her right hand was the telltale sign she'd been grinding down ingredients recently. He was silent for a moment before answering her, "It does talk about a couple. I'll write them down for you and we can go over it tonight all together."

Séraphine nodded, still by his side and looking over the case study he was currently on. Her eyebrows were scrunched together, trying to remember if she had enough lacewing flies. While she collected Troll Bogey's it wouldn't be much more to add a few jars of supplies she was running short of.

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