Chapter Nineteen

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She brushed past Sebastian who was practically radiating confidence. He knew without a doubt what she would smell. Bergamot. The earthy, acrid smell from opening a new book. His preference for savory snacks, rather than sweet. It always made his stomach hurt, but when there was pasta available-Sebastian would eat as much cheesy noodles as his body would allow him. She wondered how he was so fit, yet ate his weight in pasta.

As she leaned forward to breathe in the aroma, a small movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention. Séraphine didn't have time to react as the Amortentia suddenly burst from the cauldron. Her face down to the front of her robes were covered in the pearly liquid. She wiped her face, horrified at first. It was on her tongue. It was in her nose. On her bare skin. She could already feel her head becoming clouded. Her heart hammering in her chest as she opened her eyes. Someone was pushed, causing her eyes to immediately meet two sable brown ones. Curls bounced as he caught himself against the workbench. Freckles on his face.

An intense desire suddenly took hold.


She wanted him.

She needed him.

Her voice was breathless as his name escaped her lips.


You Are Mine

It was incredible. She never realized how charming Garreth looked. The passion in his red hair, the excitement in his eyes as he realized the precarious situation, and she wasn't blind to the reciprocated lust in his eyes.


That insinuated short term. Séraphine could stare at him forever.

"L'amour de ma-" She began before a hand covered her mouth.

Sebastian squinted at her, leaning down to look her square in the eyes. "Careful, darling. If you're going to proclaim your love to anyone, it will be me."

"Not even her fiancé?" Ominis inquired innocently before shifting his attention to the Professor, "You do have an antidote, don't you?"

"Not even you, brother." Sebastian reflected wryly, spinning her around so that her back collided with his chest. His arms were wrapped tight around her as she struggled, "Preferably one already made."

Garreth leaned forward over the workbench, "Maybe if I let her work off her infatuation-"

"If you would like to keep your head on your shoulders, I'd leave the room." Sebastian's voice was surprisingly calm with a deadly promise underlining his quiet voice. His arms were tense around her and the muscles were tight against his linen shirt. Sebastian was normally witty and sarcastic. To say he was calm meant that he'd reached new levels of anger for today. "In fact, everyone will leave this room. Now."

He snarled the last part, causing everyone to scatter like puffskeins and head to their next class early. Professor Sharp raised an eyebrow, a bemused expression dawning on him.

"Is this your classroom or mine, Mr. Sallow?" He asked dryly before walking over to his office with a slight limp.

Séraphine continued to struggle against his grip, "Fils de pute, let me go, Sebastian."

Order of Shadows | Sebastian Sallow Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora