Chapter Forty

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"Move, mudblood." He snapped, brushing past her. She grabbed his sleeve, causing him to look down at her as a wand pointed at his face. "Bit forward, even for you, no?"

Her eyes were troubled, but Granger's voice was clear. "Episkey."

"Ow." He held his nose as the bleeding stopped and it was no longer broken. She'd actually performed a healing charm on him. "What-"

Draco was cut off as Ominis grabbed him and hauled him out of the Great Hall, "Go check on her. Seb and I are going to manage the mischief, and buy her some more time."

He was surprised that Sallow wasn't going, but it was clear why. He wanted to protect Séra and the only way he could do that right now was making sure Umbridge stayed in the Great Hall. Draco met Sebastian's eyes from the door way and a nod was exchanged. Trust loosely forming in their friendship.

He'd protect Sebastian's woman even if the stupid bloke broke his nose.

You are the Reason

Séraphine heard the door click open to her surprise as she summoned a clear bottle with a few protection wards on it. In her haste to hide behind the desk, she tripped over the frilly pink carpet and broke the fall with her wrist to stop from landing on the glass bottle. More quiet curses escaped her mouth as the door closed.

"Do you kiss your boyfriend with that mouth?" The judging voice inquired from above her.

Looking up, she saw Draco of all people and he was eyeing her wrist. She scrambled up, casting a quick cooling charm on her wrist to minimize the swelling. "I do more than kiss my fiancé." Séraphine pointed out in a haughty tone, "Haven't you something to do? Like distract a psychotic witch from coming in here? La barbe de Merlin, what is that smell?"

"Dungbombs." Draco replied dryly, "I could have done without the horrid mental image, mind you."

Séraphine sniffed, shifting her attention back to the quill. "There's nothing horrid about it."

He walked closer to her, watching as she tried to extract the magic from the quill, "That's a cursed item if I'd ever seen one. The Blood Quill."

"Blood Quill? You know what this is? I couldn't find the encre." Seeing his confused expression, she clarified. "Ink."

Draco shook his head, "It doesn't need ink. Watch quickly." He grabbed the quill from her hand, grimacing before trying to write the letter 'D' on a spare piece of parchment. With morbid fascination, Séraphine watched as the letter appeared in angry red scripture on the back of his hand. "The bloody Professor likely had Potter write lines upon lines for his outburst in the DADA Classroom."

"Why do you sound happy?"

"Because Potter's a twat."

"Why is Harry a... a..." Her eyebrows scrunched forward together, "T-waht?"

His eyes gleamed in amusement, "Don't tell Sallow, I taught you a new word." Séraphine tucked away the mental note to ask him about it later. "What are you trying to accomplish with the quill?"

For a moment, Séraphine wondered if she could trust Draco with her plan. He reminded her a bit of a colder version of Anne at times. Especially in the way he showed her what would happen instead of simply telling her. Anne was the same way when Séraphine asked what would happen when casting Rictumsempra on someone. The younger Sallow twin had grinned mischievously before casting the tickling charm on Sebastian. To this day, he hated being tickled more than anything else in the world.

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