Chapter Forty Four

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Miss Rosier,

I apologize for the tardiness of my introduction. I am Lord Voldemort. While I don't want to be presumptuous, I'm sure you've heard of me. It amazes me that the lost Rosier heir reappeared over a hundred years from her time. I was a boy in the mid-20th century and as I rose to power, the Rosier family was exceedingly loyal. I have high hopes for you and look forward to our meeting.

Tomorrow night at Malfoy Manor, there will be a dinner being hosted. Don't worry as I have also invited Mr. Gaunt and Young Draco. He'll be a good lad and ensure you're both on time. His mother has sent him a separate letter with all the details.

Understand Miss Rosier, despite of what I'm sure you're heard, that there will be no good and evil in this war. There is only power and those that are too weak to seek it. You and Mr. Gaunt will be powerful additions to the Death Eaters. I understand well that you're a rising Potioneer.

And should you refuse...Sebastian Sallow was it? I understand he's dear to both of you. See you soon.


She'd been so warm moments ago in Sebastian's embrace. Now she felt as if her heart was frozen over with dread. She would meet with the Dark Lord tomorrow night. And she would do everything in her power to protect Sebastian.

They both would.

They had no choice now.

Down With the Sickness


It was the worst lie she could have came up with and she was mortified honestly. But Séraphine knew that if she was around Sebastian at all today, she wouldn't have been able to keep the secret to herself. She partially blamed Ominis for it.

Ominis had warned her not to say a word of it to Sebastian because he'd do one of the following:

1. Try to convince them he should be at the dinner

2. Go to the dinner regardless of what they thought

3. Use those magic restrains to keep them at Hogwarts

She didn't fault him for it either. If the roles were reversed, she would come up with some rash, harebrained scheme because she thought she could protect him better than anyone else. Love was a strength as much as it was a weakness.

When owl-ing Ominis on what to say, he'd replied that Spattergoit was a perfect, simple excuse. However, it was not simple on any accounts to tell your fiancé that you've broken out in bad purple pustules on your skin. The disease itself could leave people bed-ridden for several months with an inability to talk and unusual fatigue.

Don't even get her started on how the only remedy was supposedly taking the liver of a toad, binding it tight around the victim's throat and standing naked by the full moon in a large barrel of eel's eyes...

Ominis might be blind, but he was creative when it came to ways to avoid your lover. The third letter of the day flew in; no doubt from Sebastian. She gingerly smiled at the owl who looked flustered from flying back and forth.

Ma Chérie,

How am I supposed to believe you have Spattergoit if you're in the dormitory? It's a contagious disease. Are you upset about last night? Was I too rough? Please let me apologize.

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