Chapter Sixty One

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"Ready when you are!" One of the Weasley twins shouted to the other, causing everyone's attention now to shift up towards them. That is, besides two people who were scrambling up from the floor, red in the face.

The other Weasley twin nodded, grinning, and suddenly one last firework was tossed into the air. Gold and red once again, but this time the fireworks created the illusion of a dragon. Smoke billowing out of its nostrils, it came down soaring towards the Headmaster. Everyone watched, overjoyed to see Umbridge screaming and running in a panic towards the exit. However, she was no match for a dragon because as she crossed the threshold into the Entrance hall, the dragon's jaws came down and swallowed her. The remaining explosives followed the dragon, wreaking havoc and destroying the hundreds of Educational Decrees that had been hung up on the wall.

Glass shattered along with the wooden frames as everything tumbled to the floor. The Weasley twins soared out of the Great Hall again, out to the open courtyard as Umbridge was left a screaming mess from all her placards falling around her. Most of the students rushed passed the Professor to see the Twins out, waving their arms excitedly, and clapping.

As Séraphine walked out with Sebastian, Ominis, and Luna, she looked over to see the Professor's torn appearance. Overhead in the sky as the Twins flew around was a flaming 'W.' Even Professor Flitwick looked overjoyed for a moment before regaining his composure. Luna whispered to Ominis everything that was going on with a bright smile on her face.

The French witch looked over to Umbridge, grinning smugly. "Carpe Diem, non?"

Dumbledore's Secret Weapon

Séraphine spent the next few days holed up in the Undercroft, avoiding anything to do with the sociopathic headmaster. It was ridiculous how many new rules had been placed and now witches and wizards weren't able to be seen interacting with the other gender. As if anyone had the power to keep her and Sebastian apart.

There was assigned seating, but Sebastian had received detention for the week exclaiming loudly in front of their year that Séraphine's assigned seating was his face. She had bursted out laughing, surprising everyone twice because they thought she'd be embarrassed. Non. But now unfortunately she had to rub a healing salve onto the back of Sebastian's hand since he was forced to use the Blood Quill every night.

There had been a lot of failures with the potion, more than she expected. She was down to the last few drops of Acromantula venom when she'd had a breakthrough in the worst way.

The last potion mixture had been successful in destroying Dark Magic. The residual magic from the Dark Lord on the first Blood Quill was gone. However, the potion ate away at Dark magic... And that was what flowed freely through Séraphine's veins.

When Sebastian found her on the ground, convulsing and having a seizure because of the effects from the potion, he'd about lost his bloody mind, and grabbed Hermione for help. The bright witch had told Sebastian what likely happened.

The same potion that could kill the Dark Lord could kill Séraphine. From then on it was Hermione handling the potion with Séraphine giving her specific instructions and bouncing ideas off of each other. Draco had been less than pleased to find out that Hermione was handling such a delicate potion, but he didn't have to worry. She wasn't as corrupted as Séraphine from the continuous use of Dark Magic.

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