Chapter Thirty Two

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Draco. The Malfoys. Another Pureblood family.

He ought to be able to explain the situation to her. The real situation. If Voldemort and his legion of followers felt confident enough to take on a much larger populace, then that means they had to be confident about something. They had to be confident that whatever power they possessed, it was worth hundreds of people to fight for their cause.

Séraphine swallowed nervously, eyes flitting from him to an empty classroom. "You and I need to talk."

He raised an eyebrow. A slow smirk spreading across his lips before he jerked his head towards the classroom. "Ladies, first. Does Sallow know where you are?"

"'Bastien does not. However, I am confident that should the need arise, he'll aways be able to find me." Séraphine regarded him coldly, a cutting edge to her voice, "And 'Bastien isn't the only one you need to be afraid of, Draco. This rose has sharp thorns if you try to touch."

The Surprise Visitor

He leaned against one of the student desks, regarding her with a humored expression. "You want to know about the Dark Mark? You haven't even been here 24 hours, why don't you save the eternal torment for the weekends?"

"Éternel torment?" Séraphine scowled, crossing her arms. "Umbridge said that the Dark Lord wanted to meet with me."

Draco's eyes widened in the slightest, but he did well to try and hide it. It just wasn't enough for her perceptive eyes. "The old hag admitted he's alive? That's a surprise."

"Why is it a surprise? Does she have this mark?"

He shook his head briefly, "Umbridge is an enabler. She wouldn't have the bollocks to take the Dark Mark."

"Which goes back to my original question, Draco. What is the Dark Mark?"

"It's a Mark." Draco replied happily, a fake smile spread across his lips. "It's dark in color. Imagine that. Dark Mark." He pushed himself off the student bench, patting the top of her head as he walked passed. "No need to worry that pretty little head of yours about it."

A new voice registered from the doorway behind her. "That pretty little head is off limits." She could hear the warning, clear in his voice. "Keep your hands to yourself, Malfoy."


"Ooo, big scary boyfriend." Draco reflected snidely, watching Sebastian with blatant amusement as he joined Séraphine's side. In his left arm, he was cradling a couple sandwiches along with two clear containers of what appeared to be pumpkin juice. "Did you bring me lunch? You shouldn't have."

The Scottish wizard raised an eyebrow, staring down the other Slytherin. "I laced the drinks with Basilisk venom just for you, mate. Hope you don't mind, I heard it adds a nice flavor."

"Nice flavor? Like what? I hope cherry."

Sebastian's voice was flat. "Death."

Draco shook his head, raising a hand in front of him in a 'stop' gesture. "Very kind of you, Sallow, but I'll have to decline. You should do well to keep your girlfriend over here on a tight leash. Dangerous questions often have dangerous answers."

Order of Shadows | Sebastian Sallow Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz