Chapter Twenty One

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Absolutely stunned and absolutely frustrated. Her body was full of heat and longing-she wanted nothing more than for him to be inside her. For his tongue to be caressing her intimately again. And that imbećile teased her with only a kiss. The rational part of her brain was silent because it wanted him too.

Only, it mattered that he was under the effects of a love potion.

Only, it mattered that their first anything shouldn't be due to magic. But because they genuinely loved each other and wanted to share a special moment like that with each other.

Seraphine huffed, irritated, but understanding. She pulled up her stocking, bemused to see the mark forming already. A reminder of what occurred underneath the stairwell. She pushed her skirt down to a modest length before running a hand through her hair.

What did it matter? She was covered in a love potion and an antidote. What she needed more than anything right now was a shower like Sebastian.

Both of them needed a cold shower.

They also needed to have a conversation. Now that a boundary had been crossed, Séraphine wanted to keep crossing it. Or was it even worth a conversation? Should she forget about it? After all, if her family caught wind of what was transpiring...They'd kill Sebastian. What if Catherine said something to them out of maliciousness for her?

Maybe staying away from Sebastian was the best way to keep him safe.

Into the Dungeons

After another shower, Séraphine was running over scenarios in her head. It was supposed to be how to turn Sebastian down and that she wasn't interested. Instead, it was him on his knees with his head in between her legs.

Interested was an understatement. There was never a time where 'stop' crossed her mind, but he was considerate enough for their first time not to be under the effects of Amortentia. It was an unspoken observation that neither would have minded.

The engagement was official now. Ominis' family cared more about reputation than anything else. The whole school knew Sebastian and Séraphine cared for each other...Which meant that the families likely had an inkling. How long did they have before either of their lives were threatened? Anne was the only real family Sebastian had left, not counting Solomon. Wouldn't the orphaned Slytherin be the easiest to get rid of?

That wasn't the only issue. At some point, the vial of Phoenix Tears had been dropped. It had to be somewhere in between the Potions Classroom, the Grand Staircase, and the Ravenclaw Tower. What would she do now?

"Séra!" She turned to see Samantha rushing after her down the tower. "Sebastian tried to find you earlier, he's waiting for you down by the Slytherin dungeons."

Keeping her face neutral, she smiled. "Thank you, I'll head down there shortly."

An apprehensive feeling was starting to dawn inside her. Sebastian said he would find her after he got an antidote from Professor Sharp. Why would he want to meet her down by the dungeons when it was easier to meet in the Undercroft? If it were the Slytherin Dungeons he wanted to meet in, why wasn't Ominis going to be there too?

Unless it wasn't Sebastian who wanted to meet her.

Unless it was someone who was pretending to be him.

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